2.Rising Obsession.

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{Rose's POV}
As soon as my alarm went off, I won't up immediately and got up, turning it off "Hehe second day!" I exclaimed happily before I got up and went to get ready. Today, I put my up in space buns and did a quick face treatment with the products I had to make my skin glow. "I hope he will like the way u look," heading out to my room to get dressed before I got to have Lucy's delicious breakfast. "Good morning, Lucy!
{Lucy's POV}
I was awake earlier, making breakfast and listening to music."Good morning, Lucy!" I heard, looking up and surprised to see Rose awake early, she usually sleeps longer. "Well good morning early bird, why up so early?" I ask, curious as I served her breakfast, she sat down at the table. "Well, why not, I forced myself to wake up early so we can catch up on today's schedule." she smiled at me, and I smile back, nodding. We ate breakfast and she went on her phone while I went to get ready. "Ready to go?" she asked as I walked out of my room, prepared with our bags, I gave her a 'yes' nod and we together walked out of the dorm room.
{3rd person POV}
Rose and Lucy walked to college, talking then Rose saw a glance of Harosan sitting on the bench and reading. She tried to see what he was reading but she saw Lucy's waving hand instead. "Heeey, calling Rose to earth!" she said, snapping her fingers as Rose looked at her, blinking. "yeah- I'm back to earth." she said as Lucy giggled "who were you looking at?" she asked, looking around to see the person. "No one!" Rose quickly said, huffing but Lucy could see through her easily "Ahhh, is it Harosaaaaan?" she asked, in a teasing tone, "Nope!" Rose replied, looking away but her best friend didn't stop teasingly asking. "it is, isn't it?" "I know you saw him, that's why you nearly walked into the wall!" "you can tell me who it is, I won't tell." Lucy kept babbling about Harosan that she didn't notice Rose glancing at him again, smiling to herself.
{Harosan's POV}
I was just sitting on a bench and reading a book, peacefully but I felt like I was being stared at which made me a bit uncomfortable. I slowly looked around to see if anyone was staring at me but I didn't think anyone was until I saw a young woman looking, I quickly looked back in my book. "Maybe she's not looking at me..", I thought to myself, thinking that someone was behind me so that was why she was looking in my direction. But even if I saw her looking at me and she might have seen me look at her, I still feel being stared at but luckily the bell rang and I calmly got up and walked inside, going to my class. It was quite creepy.
{3rd person POV}
Once school was over, Harosan was walking to his locker while on his phone and when he looked up, he saw the same young woman who was walking to the same locker. "Oh hi there!" she greeted me, smiling. "O-Oh, hello there." I greeted back, giving a nod. "can I help you?" Harosan asked Rose who smiled at him. "I just wanted to come over and maybe have a conversation for a bit, if you have time." she said, Harosan nodded "Of course." he agreed, both walking to my locker. "I'm Rose by the way." she introduced herself "I'm Harosan, nice to meet you, Rose." he introduced himself after, going to his locker to put his stuff away. "How was your day?" Rose asked while he put his stuff away, "it was okay, I guess" he said, looking at her after he put the stuff away in his locker and locked it. "And yours?" he asked in return, not to be rude, "oh I had the best day ever!" she smiled, answering. "That's great, I have to go now. Bye Rose," he said and waved before walking off but the way back to his dorm, he kinda felt not safe because he felt like he was being followed but no matter how many times or how long he looked behind and around him, he didn't see anyone so he kinda shook the feeling off, going in his dorm but heard soemthing not far but he ignored it, closing and locking the door then the blinds.
{Rose's POV}
I knew now where his dorm was, I giggled quietly. I saw the door close and lock then the blinds, did I scare him? No way, he didn't even see me. "I promise we will be together so you don't have to feel not safe, darling." I giggled more before I went to my and Lucy's dorm. I head to my room to write the form number and the floor so I didn't forget, kissing the piece of paper to leave a lipstick kiss mark on it.
"My Darling.."

~to be continued...~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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