happy birthday - kiibouma

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Kiibouma to start of this book wooo (finally)

No spoilers, non despair
Kiibo fiddled with the envelope in his hands. It appeared more substantial than just a plain black envelope thanks to the worn-gold wax used to seal the actual present inside. But that's not why he's nervous, it's the contents inside the envelope.

The day before, he had spent a lot of time on his calligraphy to make Kokichi's birthday present look nice. He didn't want it to seem as if not much effort had been put into it. In fancy, bold letters he had written "One Favor Courtesy of K1-B0" on the paper inside. A voucher that Kokichi can use to get any assistance he needs, and Kiibo will be happy to oblige.

The robot didn't want to seem cheap by giving him a seemingly worthless piece of paper. He could've easily bought the supreme leader some food or something powerful-looking (words from the boy himself) that he knew he'd enjoy, but when he asked Miu what he should get him, she said something along the lines of 'giving him his body'. When he asked her why she couldn't do that herself, she just said something about how it wouldn't satisfy him. He quickly concluded it was probably a robot body he desired. Of course, Kiibo can't detach himself and give it to Kokichi (not that he would if he could), so this was the next logical thing!

"It's not what I had in mind, but you actually did it," Miu pondered after he had just told her about his gift. She observed the envelope in his hands from his side, peering closely and the engraving on the wax. "You even put his initials on the stamp!"

Kiibo just shook his head and asked, "Do you truly think this is a wise idea? What if he doesn't like it...or makes fun of it?" He can already imagine it, Kokichi opening his gift and laughing at the ridiculous idea of him needing help from a robot–one who can't even do anything robot-like. No, he wouldn't! Kiibo is an amazing robot capable of various things! He is always talking about how his functions are useless though...but—

"Pshh as if," Miu interrupted his thoughts with a dismissive wave in the air, as if Kiibo wasn't having a whole crisis next to her, "He'll probably like it more than mine...that little brat." She walked over to the other side of the room and placed her hand on a soda machine she had built really quickly yesterday. It had about five flavors to choose from. The nicest gifts usually appeared to come from Miu, perhaps because they gave her something to tinker with when she's not busy; anyway, it was amazing.

"What makes you so sure of that?" He asked curiously, turning away from the machine to her. Yeah sure, the supreme leader might be happy to have something over Kiibo, but that's all he can think of.

"He'll probably ask to see your dick," she snickered both at the thought and Kiibo's reaction. His eyes grew wide. He never even considered that a possibility! She looked at him and laughed even harder as if she could read his thoughts, kneeling over just to catch her breath. "I'm just pulling your metaphorical dick Kiibo, the little virgin wouldn't ask that. He's too much of a pussy."

Well, that's a bit harsh.

He eyed Miu's gift.  To be honest, it wasn't the most attractive and certainly wasn't as high-tech as he was. It had a metal base, multiple protruding knobs, and labels above each one that named the sugary soda it would pour out. Despite looking like that though, it was stable and its contents were sure to make the birthday boy thrilled–even if he didn't show it. His professor used to tell him it was on the inside that counts, and it seems like the contraption fits the description perfectly.

That quote didn't seem to apply to his gift, though. The sleek, black envelope looked practically untouched (thanks to his own careful hands) and it was secured with a gold wax seal that had the faintest of a 'K' in it. It was beautiful and something that Kiibo was quite pleased with. The inside, on the other hand, not so much. Maybe he should talk to someone less...ill-mannered.

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