sick of you - togakure

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Romantic or platonic
Non-despair, no spoilers

To Byakuya, being trapped in a room alone, forced to be isolated from the world seemed fine, it wasn't like he craved social interaction constantly. In fact, a quarantine was the perfect opportunity for alone time. Too bad that was not the case.

"...and that's when boom. An alien right in front of me!" Yasuhiro exclaimed from across from where he lay. God, he wished this illness was fatal.

He felt his throat tickle as a cough threatened to come out once more. Not only was he sick, he was stuck with the worlds biggest idiot. "I don't care."

Yasuhiro just laughed, way to bright for someone who was probably in just as bad of a condition as him, and continued to talk on and on and on....

Byakuya knew any efforts to shut him up would be in vain as he rambled about aliens and weird predictions he's gotten. It broke a silence Buyakuya would much rather enjoy. At least, it was better hearing Hiro's thoughts rather then being stuck with his own arguably more negative ones.

"Hey Togamicci," Hiro said in a slightly stuffy tone that Byakuya didn't notice until now, "have you ever had your fortune told?"

"I thought I told you to refrain from calling me that," he grumbled, "and no. Why would I ever want to do that." He already knew what his future was, take over the company and be rich.

"Because it's cool!" He heard the clairvoyant exclaim with a tone of shock and awe. The loud voice caused Byakuya to turn to him suddenly, probably the first time he actually looked at him for the 2 hours they've been trapped in here. "I get a ton of customers who don't even believe in that stuff and they love it!"

To be fair, he was curious but frankly, he didn't care enough. "Good for them."

"How about I read your fortune then," Yasuhiro grinned, "I'll even give you a discount."

"Oh please, you don't even have your-" just as he was about to protest, Hiro brought out his crystal ball from the drawer next to his bed. "Why do you have that." It was more of a statement than a question.

Hiro just smiled softly at the crystal ball now on his lap and pat it gently. "Never leave home without it. Now..." he looked up to meet Byakuya's eyes, "prepare to be amazed!"

He doesn't know how it happened, but in an instant Yasuhiro was now at the foot of his bed with the crystal ball plopped clumsily in between them. And he is now regretting every life choice he has ever made to have possibly lead up to this moment.

The clairvoyant in front of him gazed intensely at the crystal ball in front of him, his eyes flitting between it and the heir.

"Is there anything you're looking for in particular?" He asked, oblivious to the fact that Byakuya was currently glaring at him.

"A scenario where we are not doing this," He answered flatly, hoping maybe he'll get a hint. Hiro ignored him (he shouldn't have expected any more) and continued to look into the crystal ball with utmost focus.

It was silent for so long Byakuya forgot about what was happening and let his eyes close as he laid silently on the bed. What an idiot. He only has a 33% chance of being right, wouldn't it be better to believe the opposite of what he say—

"Aha!" Yasuhiro clapped his hands together in one big slap triumphantly, as if to seal any remnants of the telling. He started coughing due to the strain on his throat from his exclamation. Byakuya's eyes shot open suddenly, ready to tell him off.

"Your life is going to be filled with wealth..." Hiro began. Byakuya already knew this, never has he ever wasted his own time so horrendously.

"In friendships!" The man in front of him grinned, "Oh and look." He peered into the crystal ball. Byakuya looked in as well only to see Yasuhiro's face warped weirdly from the other side.

"It's telling me that one is in the near future, a really really important one," He just started at Hiro's distorted reflection in the crystal ball, not believing what he was hearing.

After a few beats of silence, Yasuhiro spoke again, "So do you see them?"

"Excuse me?" He replied unimpressed.

He pouted, "Whaaa? Togamicci you're supposed to see who it is it's a part of the process," he nudged the ball closer, "who is it?"

He glanced at it, seeing the same thing as before, "No one is there. And why would I tell you?"

Yasuhiro ignored the second part of his statement, "Damn, looks like this one was a fluke, oh well." The way he said it made Byakuya convinced this happens most of the time. What a waste.

"Now," Byakuya shooed him, "If you don't mind I would like to get some sleep." Hiro was lucky he even let him up here. 

"Fine, fine," he grumbled, getting up and trudging over back to his own bed. Once he made it there, he sat upright, clearly not showing any hint of sleeping. 

Byakuya let his eyes slowly close once more, ready to sleep through the next 2 days until this entrapment was over.

"Did I ever tell you about the time aliens stole my burger? I don't know why, but I think it's be—" before he could finish, a pillow was being thrown at his head, causing him to fall back.

"Rude," Hiro grumbled, and for the first time that week Byakuya smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2023 ⏰

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