Magic(less) winter - soudam

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Romantic or platonic (more romantic tho)
Hogwarts au, no spoilers

Kazuichi listened to the soft holiday music playing in the background as he sat at the table, head slumped onto the desk in exhaustion. He can't believe he got detention! On the weekend he was supposed to go to Hogsmeade too...

Suddenly he felt the dark aura he initially sensed become stronger. It's like now that this charms classroom was a detention hall, it made him all anxious and...scratch that.

He looked up when the door creaked as Gundham stepped in, expression unchanging as he spotted Kazuichi. You gotta be kidding...

"What are you doing here?" Kazuichi asked accusingly, raising his eyebrow in speculation, "Don't tell me you put a 'curse' on the potions teacher again." Gundham's curses were never serious, he's learned. It wasn't that rare for Kazuichi and Gundham to find themselves in detention, but usually there are more people that he can actually stand. I guess people don't want to get in trouble so close to the holidays...

"No," Gundham glared and took a seat in the farthest back corner, a good distance away from Kazuichi, "If you must know, I freed the dark acromantula from their entrapment."

Kazuichi tried to recall what exactly an acromantula was... not the horse with wings, definitely not the creepy platypus looking thing. Was it the spider?

His face paled at the realization that it actually was the spider. "Don't tell me you brought it in here with you man." He shivered, envisioning the long hairy legs crawling up the back of his neck.

"Sadly no," he replied with the same indifferent expression as before. "They were apprehended before they could get far."

A sigh of relief left his body just as the Gryffindor prefect walked in. Of course . He glanced over to Gundham who returned it with a knowing look. At least, he thinks that's what that look means.

Kiyotaka was always on their case and for what ? Kazuichi was unfortunate to have him in some classes, but Gundham even more to have him in his own house. Poor guy.

"I hope this will make you think more carefully about your actions," the boy began his usual speech, a serious smile on his face as, "What you have done has dire consequences and..." his voice drifted off as Kazuichi stopped paying attention.

Who gave this underclassman the authority to tell him what to do, he sulked. He's almost done with school! So what if he accidentally transfigured his textbook into a slightly bigger (and possibly carnivorous) cat than anyone else. It's an overachievement if he's ever seen it. In fact he should be getting praised for his higher level ability. Compared to Gundham's crime, this is nothing. Releasing carnivorous spiders vs creating a tiger out of a book. Now which one is more impressive?

"You will decorate this classroom. Any questions?" His voice suddenly cut into his thoughts, the odd request peaking Kazuichi's interest again. "Wait, we have to decorate this classroom? Like Christmas, with the lights and stuff?"

"That is correct."

Easiest detention of his life! Especially compared to cleaning every restroom in this damn school.

"Piece of cake!" He exclaimed, leaning back in his desk and pulling his wand out of his robe pocket. He would soon regret this. "Colova—" before he could even finish the incantation, his wand flew out of his hand and into Kiyotaka's.

"Without magic." He said sternly, summoning Gundham's wand towards him as well. He turned to the side to make his way out, charming the door as usual as he left.

"Wait, it's just the two of us?! That is gonna take forever!" He groaned in realization, turning towards the dark haired boy, who still sat at his seat far away, a hamster now sticking out of the sleeve of his robe.

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