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She drives in this really beautiful lodge named Queen Lubelihle Lodge. I have never seen it before but I am in awe of how breathtaking it is. Firstly, it is in a secluded place. I doubt many people know about it. Wait let me correct that, I doubt many people in my class (the middle class) know about. This looks like a place tycoons use when they host parties for their mistresses, or those celebrities who don’t like exposing their lives on the public. Those who host exclusive events. She parks her car in between real beasts. Wow, her friends drive really nice cars. We climb off the car and I spot 3 couples taking pictures next to the pool. Asante holds my hand and we walk to where they are. 

“SANTE!” one of the studs shout her name and they all turn to look at us. Suddenly I feel shy. That’s not how I usually react but when approaching a group of people who are already staring at you, you can’t help but feel cautious about what you’re wearing or how you look. We finally get to them and they all take turns hugging Asante before shaking my hand. I am grateful for that because I don’t think I would’ve felt comfortable being hugged by strangers. 

“Sante, dude, is this really her?” the one who was shouting asks with a smirk. 

Asante chuckles before placing her arm on my back. “Yes. Guys, this is Thingolwenkosazana Mcambi, you can call her Thingo or Rainbow. Baby, these are my friends. This is Bulo, the one I told you about and that’s her wife Oratile; Lingomso and her partner Nakhane; lastly, Zwolunga and her fiancé, Nthatisi.” The names are a lot but I hope by the end of the weekend, I would’ve memorized all their names. The ladies look so beautiful while the butches are downright handsome. Is handsomeness a requirement for her squad? They all finally hug me. 

“You can call me whatever name you like. Nombulelo, Bulelani or Syabulela, babes. I don’t mind.” Bulo states with a smirk, stealing a glance at Asante. 

“I am not going to fall for your trap.” They all laugh. Two other couples join us. I am shocked by how masculine one of the butches look. Asante introduces her as Kgalefa and her wife, Tumi. The other couple is Ntando and Siyethaba. 5 couples so far. 10 new names in my memory box. Mind, don’t make things awkward and forget these names. 

“Where is Jane?” Nakhane asks looking at Asante. 

“They are no longer dating, so why would she bring her here? And I don’t see the need of you asking about Asante’s crazy ex in front of her woman.” Tumi answers and I think I am going to get along with her, even though she lives in another province. As much as her wife is masculine, she also has that bit of a masculine body which shows that she is an athlete. 

“I don’t mean to sound blunt, but what do you do?” I ask looking at her. She smiles. 

“I am a boxer, well a boxing coach. My wife doesn’t like me coming home black and blue, so I stick to coaching. What about you?” damn. I wouldn’t wanna get on her bad side. No wonder her body is like this. She is a female version of Mike Tyson. 

“I am a librarian.” 

“Do you were glasses? I can imagine how sexy you would look in them.” Bulo comments and this time Asante charges to her. Her friends laugh before coming in between them. “I am joking, my friend. You know how hooked I am to my yellow bone.” She states, wrapping her arms around Oratile who blushes while looking down. 

Sounds of roaring engines startles me. Dozens of bikes drive in and they circle the parking lot before two of them park next to the cars. The other bikes make noise one more time before driving off. The two drivers make their way to where we are and I am shocked when Asante makes her way to one of them and they share a bone crushing hug. 

“Don’t feel bad. They are this nauseating. They have been friends from high school.” Zwolunga states and I chuckle nervously. 

“I am not worried.” 

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