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It’s been a month since that terrible family breakfast. I think I cried a whole week because my dad wasn’t talking to me. Asante was by my side the whole time and she took some of the blows I threw by her side. At times, we fought like crazy but at the end of the day she understood that I was just grieving my part dead relationship with my father who hasn’t spoken to me since then but he sends money weekly instead of monthly. I know that is his way of saying he misses me but he won’t just straight up say it aloud. At times he goes to see Lisa at school. my daughter always come and tell me that her grandfather came and whenever he comes to see her, he gives her my favourite candy which he knows I can’t resist.

I guess it is pride on both sides because I want him to come and say to me that he has accepted my new sexuality and I know he wants me to go to him and ask how he feels about the whole thing now after it’s been too long. With my mother, the woman just mized me. Whenever she wants to talk to Lisa, she just calls me and keeps quiet. When she does that, I know I just have to give Lisa the phone and make myself scarce. Yeah, my parents can be dramatic but I love them to death and their acceptance would mean a lot to me.

With regards to my relationship with Asante, it has been blooming and turning into something so beautiful. We fight like most couples but our make-up sessions are always the best. She spoils me so much and she makes sure that we try out new things and adventures whenever I am off. I have learned that she can be an adrenaline junkie when she wants. We also got to ride bikes, well I held on to her abs the whole time but I am not complaining. We are also planning to visit Zet and Jue soon. Things with her family worked out fine. Well her parents were fine with it since they already knew about her sexuality and they decided that Jue’s family should come and pay lobola soon. But they also wanna do umemulo for her before she gets married because it’s compulsory. Another trip on our schedule is the one to Asante’s brother’s house. The dude can’t wait to host us and Asante also can’t wait for it.

Anyhow, today is an important match for Lisa. There are somehow going to be some representatives from NaBella who are going to observe the game. They are not going to give out scholarships or anything but should they choose your child, it means that when they decide to come and enroll there, they will have space and they will just pay and start learning and playing sport. It’s like they are going to be giving out firm offers of some sort. NaBella has a very low acceptance rate especially when they didn’t see your skills. So this is a good opportunity for my daughter.

“Mntomuhle.” The familiar voice that always makes my heart beat faster and smile widely says softly. Blushing, I lift my head and I immediately see my smile keeper leaning on the counter looking so fuckin sexy like every woman’s wet dream star.
“Hi.” I say giggling like a love stricken teenager and she laughs.
“You are so cute when you blush like this. You make me wanna propose right now.”

“Hhay too soon.” I stop her and she continues laughing. Her laugh is birthing butterflies in my tummy and they flutter like never before. “You are too charming for me now. Let me quickly grab my bag so that we can head out.”
“Run along, Miss Mcambi.” She grins.

I conclude my sales and swap with Shawn. I then go to the staff room. I change my shirt, grab my bag and walk to the front of the store. I get to Asante and we make our way to my car. It doesn’t make sense to drive in separate cars. We climb inside the car and I drive out. Halfway through the ride, Asante forces me to park the car on the side of the road. I frown at her but follow her instructions nonetheless.

“What’s up?” I ask as I have parked in the bus stop.
“Hhay babe, you drive like someone who has thrown away the towel. Like really? Did I do something? Are you trying to kill me?” she is so hysterical and I can’t help but crack up.
“Are you fuckin serious right now?”
“Yoh, I would rather walk shame.” She climbs off the car and I laugh before following her.

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