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Getting to the hospital, I head straight to the reception area and enquire about Thingo. I lie and tell them she is my fiancé so that they can let me in easily. They tell me to wait for the doctor but I am getting impatient by every passing minute. While waiting, a call comes in from Bulo.

“And then? I thought you would be here by now! Did I just get stood up?” I frown. What the fuck is she talking about?
“What are you on about man?”
“Was sex with Thingo that good that you forgot we were supposed to meet up for drinks like 45 minutes ago?” Fuck. My head is so mixed up, I even forgot about her.

“Dude I didn’t stand you up. Thingo got stabbed. I’m at the hospital.”
“Shit. That’s fucked up. Can I get the bill?” I know the last part is not directed to me. “Yeah, you can keep the change. Thanks.” I hear a moving chair in the background and I know she is on the move. “Which hospital are you in?” I tell her. “Have you eaten?”
“No. I last had a shake and a sandwich before twelve.”
“Okay. See you soon.” She ends the call.

I know she will be here soon with food. One thing about my friends, when there’s crisis you’re faced with, they always drop everything and come to support you, with or without your permission. I catch a glimpse of a nurse exiting the theatre room and I rush to her.

“Nurse, how is my fiancé? How is Thingo Mcambi?”
“I am not at liberty to disclose any information regarding patients. Please wait for the doctor.” She starts walking away and I hold her arm.
“I am sorry for holding you. But please. You don’t have to tell me much. I just need to know if she is okay.”

She sighs. “She is stable.” I am so relieved to hear that. “The doctor will be with you shortly.” She walks away and I let her go this time around. I head back to my seat. After what feels like forever but has been less than 30 minutes, an elderly woman who looks just like Thingo walks to where I am seated. She sits not far from me.

“Good evening.” They even share the same voice. It’s so weird. I don’t know how I didn’t pick this up when we talked over the phone.
“Evening. I’m Asante. We spoke over the phone earlier.” She looks at me and it’s like she is realising something.
“You’re the woman she is dating.” It’s not even a question but I nod. “how is my daughter doing?”
“The nurse said she is stable but I am waiting for a formal update from the doctor.”
She nods. “Now how is she really doing?” at first I am confused, and then I realize what she is asking.

“She has been very emotional but not hysterical. After the party, she spent two full nights just crying. I was a bit scarred that she was going to dump me since I am the cause of her problems but she just said she is living her truth. The world will have to adjust.”
She chuckles. “That sounds so much like my daughter. Stubborn to the core. She is exactly like her father. Unapologetic and all. I never thought that she will just turn gay after having lived so many years as a straight woman, I mean she even has a child. So you can imagine our shock. This is something we never expected. A real surprise.”

I nod. “I understand what you’re saying. I was born this way but a lot of people in my family have had a hard time adjusting around me. I was lucky that I had my parents' support from the beginning. I am not saying you should accept her fully just like that. I am just saying a parent’s support makes one feel comfortable and good about themselves.”

“NOKULUNGA!” A voice startles both of us. We turn to find Thingo's father coming towards us. The man is one of those old guys with a small potbelly, a bald head and a nicely trimmed beard. “Where is my child?” he asks. Looks like he has no intention of sitting down.
“The doctor hasn’t updated us yet.” Thingo’s mom responds. The man’s eyes meet mine and he frowns.

“Who is she?”
“This is Asante. Thingo’s partner.” The man’s frown deepens.
“Mmm. I think I have seen her before.” That’s all he says before sitting down.
Thingo’s mom rolls her eyes. “And this is Thingo’s father, Khulekani Mcambi. You can call him Khule though.”
“Hhaybo Lungo.” He exclaims. She just laughs and shakes her head. I know they are divorced. I just wonder how their relationship was like when they were still married. They look cute together.
“Thingolwenkosazana Mcambi's family.” A doctor appears in the doorway and we all stand.
“How is my daughter, doc?” Nokulunga asks quickly.

“Good evening. I am Doctor Buthelezi. Your daughter was stabbed on her left shoulder and one of the three major arteries was cut. She was lucky that she got here in time and we were able to prevent her from bleeding out. The shoulder injury can cause a lot of discomfort or problems. It may take few weeks or months for her to recover and go back to normal. Her condition is not bad. She is currently resting. You can come back tomorrow. I am certain that she will be awake. We may discharge her soon if she is showing signs of great recovery.”

“Thank you so much doctor me.” Khulekani states. There is so much relief in his face. “I know it’s past visiting hours, but please. Can we see our daughter? Even if it’s just for a few minutes.”
The doctor snorts. “Visitors are so predictable. anyways follow me. And please, I am giving you only 5 minutes.”

She leads us to a single ward. We all step inside and she indicates that we only have 5 minutes before she walks out. I slowly walk closer to the bed. Thingo looks so beautiful even when she is injured. I just want to kiss her but then I remember that I am not alone. I squeeze her hand and step back.

“So beautiful. Even in your near death bed. But you wouldn’t be my daughter if you were ugly.” Khulekani drawls. The guy is like a whole mood.
“I wish you a speedy recovery, my baby.” Nokulunga kisses Thingo's forehead. She looks at me. “I suspect you will want to spend the night with her.” I nod. “You can give us the house keys. We will spend the night there and come back in the morning.” The two of them alone in one house? But they aren’t testosterone driven like our generation. I hand her the keys and then they both leave. I walk closer to the bed and sit on the chair next to it. I hold Thingo’s hand and hope that the doctor won’t come back anytime soon. She looks so beautiful and at peace. She is wearing a hospital gown.

“Baby, I am sorry that I wasn’t there to protect you. I know I am no superwoman but protecting you is my duty and I failed. When you are finally discharged, I will make it my everyday duty to drive you to work and fetch you every single time. That way, an accident like this won’t occur again. I love you and I will be here when you wake up.” I press a kiss on her lips and walk out, only to find Bulo and Oratile who is wearing a robe and sleepers.

“My God, how are you feeling?” she rushes to hug me. “How is Thingo? What the hell happened?” she is talking so fast.
“She is fine, Ora, and thank you for coming. It means a lot.”
“We are a family. We are always there for one another.” I smile at her and then look at Bulo. She hugs me and hands me a paperbag.
“Thanks for this man. I think I will even be able to hold something down. The doctor updated us. Her condition is not bad, just that it will take time for her to recover and go back to normal.”
“That’s good to hear.” Bulo sighs in relief. “Is she awake?” I shake my head. We all sit down and I drink the coffee she brought.
“What exactly happened? I mean Thingo is a wonderful person. Who would do something like this to her?” Oratile asks with so much concern.

“Her boss said she found her unconscious near her car. All her important belongings were still there, so it couldn’t be a robbery or hijacking.”
“It sounds personal and I think there is only one person who is capable of such.” Bulo says and I frown. What is she on about? “Thingo is wonderful and kind-hearted. I am sure she has no enemies to wish her dead. You, on the other hand, have someone who will do anything to make sure she remains number one in your life and heart.”

What the fuck is she saying? Please don’t let it be what I am thinking. I swear to God… “She would never.”
“Why wouldn’t she?”
I feel my body heating up. I think I am going to throw up or go crazy. The chair I am on is suddenly too hot. I jump up and storm off.
Life is still difficult. But this is proof of life. Lots of love from your author❤️

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