chapter 1

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Finding a baby by my parents doorstep might have been the best thing that ever happened to me.

Honest, I love this little kid. She has taken over my life in the best way possible.

She has so much energy, talks a lot even though I can't make out every sentence she says, she runs around our apartment all the time, she loves watching movies with me, cuddle, and she absolutely adores the rain and my best friend Elenor.

Do I still live with my parents? no, I couldn't, it just didn't really work out since we lived in such a small house. Our neighbours complained about a cat when I lived there—

There was never a cat.

I laugh at the though. Elaine is all I could ever wish for.

I'm still in school, but I'm graduating this year. I have an extra job as a guitarist, Me and some of my friends play at bars, small concert places, parks, and for Elaine. She loves it.

She sings along to lyrics I've never heard of before, it's adorable.

Elaine is two years old, i found her at my doorstep when I was sixteen. Which also means I'm now eighteen and I'm finally ready to graduate with her in my arms.


I hear giggles from the living room, Elaine is watching her favourite tv show—Dora.. I honestly can't stand Dora, but Elaine will always start crying if I turn it off.

"no Dora!" She says irritated. "there!"
I look over to see her getting up. She climbs down the couch and starts walking towards me.

"papa!" Elaine says.


"I'm hungry" she says as she rubs her eyes. I pick her up to kiss her cheek.

"you know what's going to make dinner be done faster?" I ask her.

she looks at me confused, wanting an answer.

"if you take a little nap, dinner will be ready by the time you wake up" I say as I start walking towards the stairs.

"noo, I'm not tired" she says rubbing her eyes. she tries to get out of my grip, but find out she wont get out, so instead she lays her head on my shoulder.

I find her pyjamas and lay her down on the table so she can get dressed in something more comfortable.

She tries to keep her eyes open as I put her pyjamas on, but they stay close after a while.

As I lay her in her bed her eyes opens again. But she is still fighting to keep them open.

"I will be back in an hour, okay?" I say kissing her forehead, but she just holds her arms for me to pick her up again.

I lay her back down, but she is getting difficult.
"Elaine, It won't be a long nap, I will come get you as soon as dinner is ready, and then we can eat" I tell her gently.

"papa" is all she says as she holds out her arms.

Then there's a knock on our door.

I pick Elaine up and hurry down the stairs to open the door.


"Nora—" Elaine cries out as she wants Eleanor to hold her.

Eleanor takes Elaine from me and kisses her cheek. "aren't you suppose to be napping right now" she asks her in a playful tone.

Elaine giggles tiredly as she lays her head on Eleanor's shoulder.

"I tried, but all she wanted was to be picked up, and I have dinner to make, but it seems she doesn't want me to leave" I tell her as I walk over to the kitchen with the two of them following me.

"dont worry, I'll make sure dinner is ready when you get back down, lay with her until she is asleep" Eleanor tells me smiling, she knows how hard it is for me to put Elaine to bed.

She used to sleep in my room for a whole year and as soon as she turned two, I tried making her sleep in her own room, and sometimes she is okay with it, but other times, she is not.

"thank you" I say feeling a little bad, this isn't the first time Eleanor has to help me out, and I really hope she knows how thankful I am.

I take Elaine from her arms and we are off to my bedroom. I was tired anyway, I haven't gotten enough sleep in a while, so hopefully I can rest a little before work starts tomorrow.

We are booked at this small place in our town, it's a small park, but many people are coming.

I lay Elaine beside me, but she is quick to climb on top of me to lay on my chest instead. She is out like a light, but I still rub her back in circles so she will hopefully sleep better.

It's a method that's always worked on her.

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