chapter 3

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"Elaine!" I shout from the bathroom.

"Elaine, can you come here for a sec?" I shout again. 

we have to leave in 10 minutes and she was very difficult to wake up today. she fell asleep again on the couch as soon as I got her to come with me down stairs.

I have school today, it's Monday so it's defiantly one of the hardest day to wake up in my opinion. Now I just need to brush her teeth and we can leave. I have already made her lunch, we have eaten and I have dressed her.

she comes up to me rubbing her eyes still tired from her nap on the couch.
"come here" I tell her smiling at how adorable she is.

she snuggles into my neck as I try to place her on the counter.

"sweetheart, we need to brush your teeth.." I tell her. she sits up and I quickly find her toothbrush and put toothpaste on it.

"do you want to brush your teeth yourself?" I ask her and she nods. I give it to her.

I brush my own teeth at the same time.

"daddy-" she whine holding out her toothbrush, "You want me to brush your teeth anyway?" I ask her spitting out the toothpaste In my mouth.

she nods rubbing her eyes once again. I place my toothbrush in a glass as I take hers.

"can you say aaa" i ask so I can brush her upper teeth. she does what I say and we are done shortly after.

I quickly pick her up as I see what the time is and I grab both of our bags and walk faster over to the hallway so we can put our shoes on.

"daddy, I don't wanna go" she says as I put her shoes on. "why not honey?" I ask her.

"cause I wanna stay home and watch tv" she tells me.

"you can watch tv as soon as we get home, but right now we have to get going" i tell her as I take her hand.

the reason she only comes to school with me once a week, is because my parents usually have her over at their house when I'm at school, but on Mondays my father usually have a meeting to attend and my mother works earlier.

-*at school*-

"BENJII" Elaine shouts in the hallway as she spot my friends. Benjamin runs over to us and takes Elaine straight from my arms and holds her up high into the air as she giggles.

"hey princess! you are getting so big!" He says as he lowers her back into his arms. "you saw her last week dude" Lucas chuckles.

Benjamin ignores him as always as he is now spinning Elaine around not too fast, but it's enough to make her laugh.

"I have to take her to class with me today, Mrs Owen couldn't watch over her today.." I tell them.

"she's welcome to sit with me" Benjamin offers with a smile. "thank you, you could always ask her" I chuckle knowing she will say me.

"hey princess? do you want to sit with me in class?" He asks her tickling her stomach. She only giggles, but shakes her head after.

"I wanna sit with daddy-" she says as she holds out her arms for me to take.

"Well, at least she's honest" another one of my friends says, Theon.

"kids never lie when it comes to ether this or if your ugly or not" Theon laughs.

"no, but they lie when it comes to other things" I say.

"that's something you know all about" Lucas chuckles.


"bye! Meet us in the cafeteria at lunch!" Benjamin says as we leave both Theon and Lucas.

as we walk into class everyone stares, I've learned not to care about it.

Learning how to deal with people and their reactions to my life has been most of the challenging things. People stare and ask rude things, but some people just can't look away and mind their own business.

I take a seat with Benjamin sitting behind me, I hear Elaine giggle, and as I look behind me I see Benjamin pretend to look out the window.

"hello class, ready for some English?" Mr Johnsons asks us with a smile on his face.

The class groan, everyone is in a summer holiday mood right now, but we are happy to have him as our teacher in both English and Math, He is defiantly one of the best teachers at this school.

"who do we have here?" He asks looking over at Elaine and me. He kneels down to be at the same high level as Elaine, she only hides her face in my shirt.

My teacher only chuckles. "hey there" he says as she slowly looks back at him.

"What do you say about helping me teach this class, huh?" He asks her.

Elaine only looks up at me unsure of what to do.
"what do you say? want to help me draw on the board too?" He continues.

I nod as Elaine looks at me, and she takes his hand slowly still a little unsure.

I know Mr Johnsons did it so I can concentrate with my work, and I'm really thankful for that.

"okay class, please find your booklet from last week and start where you last ended. If you have a question feel free to ask ether your neighbour or me" he says as he walks over to the board with Elaine in his arms.

I need to concentrate with my work as long as he keeps her busy. You never know when she wants to sit with me again.


the bell rings and I look up to see a huge drawing on the board. Mr Johnson is talking with her quietly so they don't disturb the rest of the class.

On the board they have drawn a cat, or my teacher drew it, but I'm guessing Elaine coloured it with colour chalk.

"daddy! look!" Elaine squeal as she sees me standing up to put my bag on.

I walk over to them and thank Mr Johnson for watching her for me as I worked, and we are off to my next class.


"daddy I'm hungry.." Elaine tells me and I can tell she will be getting difficult to handle if she doesn't eat very soon.

"I know honey, lunch is in 5 minutes.." I whisper back.

"hey! if you want to keep your daughter in my classroom, make sure she is quite." Mr Davis tells me angry, making everyone stare.

"I'm sorry, but I have no other choice but to bring her with me Mr Davis. I'm sure you know how kids get when they get hungry?"

"no I don't." He answers.

"then don't tell me to what to do." I tell him


The bell rings and I quickly pick up Elaine and my bag and we are walking to the cafeteria.

Elaine is being a little difficult at the moment, "daddy! down!" She whine and I place her back down.

She stops to sit on the floor.
"hey, up with you" I tell her but she doesn't want to listen.

"don't you want something to eat?" I ask her as I try to take her hand.


people here are looking, but i try not to let it bother me.

I'm not going to deal with her mood right now, so I just pick her up.

and she starts crying, telling me to put her down. I rub her back as we walk over to my friends.

"why is she crying?" Benjamin asks me as we approach. But as I'm about to answer someone takes Elaine from me.
"awwh, what's wrong princess?" Eleanor asks her rubbing Elaine's back as she cradles her.

Elaine only hides her face into Eleanor's neck.

"can I take her over to my friends?" She asks me.

"sure" I say as I find Elaine's Lunch to hand it to Eleanor.

and she's off.

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