Chapter one: "A sister can't check in with her favorite younger sister?"

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Hi everyone! I am currently working on a thousand projects and this one I am very excited about. I know you don't wanna hear my little speech, but just stay for a sec. This story takes little pieces of my life and turns them into magical fantasy. I put my blood and sweat into this so please enjoy!

P.S. Please forgive me for my horrible spelling mistakes

Aura's POV

I grasp thin pages turning them with careful fingers so as to not rip the fine paper. I imagined myself in another world, one with drama and fights to the death! Even though my life appears to be as magical as what I read within the crisp pages it is actually quite boring. As the second heir to the throne, I am not needed for political work in the palace. I am here to look pretty in case a man wants me. Books are the only thing that keeps me, well, alive. A place to escape. My sister, Lea, enjoys reading as well, but she has other things to attend to. After all, she is the next queen of Crest. Just as if she has been listening to my thoughts she appears at my doorway, leaning slightly against the wall.

"Hi," I say questionably, Lea doesn't usually talk to me first.

"What? A sister can't check in with her favorite younger sister?"

"I'm your only younger sister," I correct, this makes her frown.

"I understand that, but I wouldn't replace you for the world," I smile, feeling lucky to be picked by her instead of forced sisterly love. Yet, something deep down tells me it's not real, that she's just trying to keep me as her ally. I wish I didn't have to overthink what my own sister says to me, but some actions have proved I must.

"Anyway," she continues, "I just met a young man named David. Let's just say he's quite obsessed with me." Lea laughs and I can just imagine she's thinking up ways to manipulate him into giving the kingdom more resources and land. I know it can be necessary but she acquires men like she's collecting them. I must admit, though, sometimes I wish I could do it too.

"Aren't they all," I reply, knowing it's exactly what Lea wants to hear.

"As they shall," she jokes, but we all know she means it in a certain way. Lea comes to sit on my bed, but as she does we hear a knock on the door. The maid, Luisa, walks in.

"Your Highness," she bows, "your mother would like to speak with you." Luisa bows once more and nods to me, at least acknowledging my presence.

I go back to reading. To escaping.

My Sister's Suitorजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें