Chapter 4: "I think about the feeling that had been kindling inside my heart"

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Hey y'all,

So I wanted to let you know that I won't be posting for a month but after that I will try to post weekly (I'm definitely gonna procrastinate but whatev). I wanted to give u an update before I leave, just know this chapter is not finished and I will finish it when I'm back.

Enjoy <3

Aura's POV:

I am put in charge of the annual suitor croquet competition this year. Almost every suitor is signed up except for one. Griffin. I've been planning on talking to him, maybe reminding him of our past, but I don't know when. This is the perfect chance. I find Griffin outside sitting on a bench, staring into space.

"Hi," I say expecting him to ask who I am.

"Hello, Aura," my own name catches me by surprise and Griffin clearly notices it and chuckles.

"Um...well, you need to sign up for the croquet competition," I tell him matteraffactly.

"Will do," I turn around to leave, but he starts to speak again so I slowly turn my head. "I was thinking about going to the castle kitchen for lunch," I wait with baited breath, though I don't know why I'm nervous, "do you have any good recommendations?" I breath out, wondering if it's out of relief or something else.

"The soup is really good, you should try it," He nods, I walk away.

He won't try it; he won't remember. Griffin could very much just be like the other suitors, snobby and put on a pedi stool. Or, he could be different.

 That's just it, though, they all try to be different and none of them ever succeed. They make themselves more the same than different. 

That's what Griffin's little stunt was, when he introduced himself. An act to make him look different.

I think about the feeling that has been kindling inside my heart. Whatever I felt when I first met Griffin I don't need. 

I decide to not focus on doing anything about it, I like Prince James anyway. It's not like he'll notice me anyway. Maybe it's better that neither of them notice me, I don't need anymore stress. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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