Chapter Three: "I couldn't quite explain it"

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Aura's POV:

I was at the park with a group of friends. We had been meeting for a few months for a writing program. I, of course, was going there several times in secret so Lea and my mother would not judge me. We had gotten quite close and the last week of the program we shared some of our work. It was a relaxed atmosphere and we were all just talking about our different pieces.

 I had written a poem and many of us decided to draw our pieces. I drew a really sloppy version and the boy who is now a suitor for my sister came up to me and asked me to explain my drawing. But, everytime I went through the poem, he would cross off a part of the drawing. All I could do was laugh and redraw it. By the end of the session we were laughing so hard I thought I would fall over. I remember this moment very clearly but a feeling stood out to me in particular. I couldn't quite explain it and still can't but it was a mix between questioning who this person was and realizing that I kind of liked this person.

A pulling of my arm brings me back to the present.

"Let's move over by the curtain so no one sees us," says Millie. We move to a red velvety curtain and sneak behind it. My mind lingers on the memory of me and...what even is his name?

"Welcome Prince James, Duke Sebastian, Sir David, Sir Dax, and Prince Griffin to the kingdom of Crest!"

Griffin! That's his name. Whatever feelings I had for Griffin seem to have gone away a while ago, yet there was something intriguing about him. I wanted to find out more about Griffin. All hope is lost when Lea walks down the long, twisty staircase in a light blue gown with a white jewels spread out around the corset. All eyes are on her as per usual. Each suitor has a glimmer in his eye whether from lust or love it doesn't matter they all want her. Millie sighs signaling that she feels the same.

 I look down at my plain maroon silk dress and feel unenthusiasticly ordinary. It's a pretty dress, no doubt, but compared to Lea's it's pretty much trash. I guess it is Lea's day, but it's always her day. I should just be happy for her, I sigh and try to focus on something else. But before I even get a chance the Royale Announcers do it for me.

"Suitors! Please come up to the podium and introduce yourself." Lea sits in a golden throne with red velvet details. First, Sebastian walks up to the stone podium.

"Your Highness," he bows, Millie and I stifle laughs, "I am Duke Sebastian of Grenia, I am truly honored to make your acquaintance!" Each suitor comes up to greet Lea with different cheesy lines. Griffin reaches the podium, as it is his turn, and starts to speak. But, what he says catches me off guard.

"I'm just going to come out and say it, it's not like I'm here for no reason. I'm here for you. Anywho, it's an honor to meet you," he turns around and walks away like nothing happened. At first I think Lea will be impressed, and she looks like it for a split second, but as soon as the next suitor comes up to speak she changes to a neutral face. Only Millie and I know what she's really thinking about, manipulation.

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