Chapter Four

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I'd never been to a strip club before

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I'd never been to a strip club before. Watching all these women with their elegant and effortless movements on stage felt like watching an artist paint a masterpiece for my own personal enjoyment. I found it captivating, seeing the way they filled the room with an aura of wickedness that begged people to stay. Sexuality didn't matter in this place, I reckoned— every instruction that was given with the sway of hips and arch of backs would make anyone want to stop and watch. Anyone.

It fascinated me, so much so that I found myself imagining how it'd feel to be up there. To know that I welded the power to control the energy of the room with the slightest motion of my body. That every person would watch me with bated breaths and hands tightening around their drinks as they waited in expectation for what my next instruction would be. Empowering, I bet. It would feel liberating.

Doja Cat's Streets began to play through Octagon's speakers, the atmosphere suddenly becoming charged with sinfulness.

"Hey," Catrine whispered as she pulled the clip from her hair. It curled around to frame her angelic face in a red halo. She looked like an angel that would tempt you towards darkness. A siren. "Watch this."

I didn't react as she pulled her short black dress off to reveal an emerald lace lingerie set that moulded perfectly to her body, and climbed on-stage. We'd had enough strawberry daiquiris at this point to think this was a good idea but not enough to be too drunk to stand, and the only valid response I had in my mind was to cheer her on as she walked towards the girl on stage and trailed a hand across her exposed abdomen. The audience turned towards the commotion, becoming enthralled by Catrine's actions the second they saw her. We watched as she spun around the pole, stumbling a few times in her state, before landing in a split.

I couldn't help but admire the way she moved, everything she did was with the grace of a dancer.

She did a few more tricks showing off her flexibility, a feature that complimented the slight muscles of her body.

I was totally envious of her legs, especially in the stilettos she wore. They made her calves appear more defined. They were perfect, not dramatically bulked with muscle, but just the right amount that it didn't take away from how femininely curved they were.

She lumbered across the stage to end her performance, cat-calls and wolf-whistles erupting from the crowd as she blew kisses and turned around to put her perfectly toned ass on display. I loved every second of it and made sure everyone knew I did with my applause.

"Ven!" she shouted above all the rooting, gesturing me forward with both hands, "come up!"

A small part of my mind was hesitant. The part that whispered that it wouldn't be a good idea for the Don's daughter to do such a thing days before meeting her betrothed. Duty. Duty. Duty.

Just one more night.

I clambered onto the stage, Doja Cat's voice crooning: "I found it hard to find someone like you."

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