« A Weird Dream »

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I nervously opened my phone.

"Congratulations! I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to ********* University!

We have attached a starter package so you can familiarize yourself with the facilities and classes we offer. Feel free to reach out to us at any time if you have any questions or concerns as we'd love to make your transition go as smoothly as get possible.

We look forward to having you at our university. I wholeheartedly believe that you will bring your all to this school.



If I told I almost burst into tears when I finished reading that... I would be lying. Because I never got to finish reading.
Just my luck. I got hit by a car... and now I'm laying in the middle of the road. Fitting for someone who was always considered to be in the way.

Is this supposed to be what death is? It's... warmer than I would've thought. And softer. Almost like I'm wrapped in a blanket...
I slowly opened my eyes. Wait. It's because I'm laying in bed. Was that just a dream? If so... this isn't my room. And it definitely isn't a hospital.
I heard someone at the door.

It took me a second to realize what was happening.
Jeez... could you be any more aggressive? I guess I just let them in..?
"Come in."

Some girl wearing one of those maid cosplay outfits nervously walked in and told me that my family was waiting for me to come down for breakfast.

Hold on. I live alone.
What's going on? Was I kidnapped? I don't think kidnappers would make me this luxurious of a room.
I looked around panicked.
My eyes fell on the reflection of a feminine face.
Who is that?

My hands slowly touched my face. Holy crap. This is me. This is me. I don't remember having blue eyes. Or ash blonde hair.
I'm just dreaming right? So if this is a dream... it would be good to go through with it so that I can wake up. ...Right?

‧̍̊ ˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙ ‧̍̊ ˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙ ‧̍̊

I hesitated for a second before slowly stepping out of that place.
Uh, rich alert.
Everything looks like it costs over $1000.
That's like... as much as my monthly rent. I had a steal. I know. Be jealous.

Anyway, I started walking for a second before realizing something. I don't know the way.
The cosplayer lady seemed to notice I was confused but I guess she didn't think much of it so she slowly walked in front of me to lead the way. I guess she thought I didn't notice but for some reason she sighed a sigh of relief.

As we walked to wherever they ate in this house, I noticed that the halls were rather empty. Seeing as how the place in this dream is fancy I imagined they would have more staff... maybe they aren't as rich as I thought. Who am I to question my own dreams?
Well damn.

These doors are huge.
I take back what I said earlier. They're probably loaded. Who else would spend money on doors that are too big for their frames? Lookin' like those miniature Genshin domain doors...

The lady knocked again. She clearly used more effort to knock "politely" because she stopped after the first 3 (for some reason) perfectly timed knocks. What the heck? Im definitely not offended.

I awkwardly pulled out a chair and sat down, acting like I was oblivious to the whispering that was obviously talking about me.
As I looked around, observing my surroundings, I heard a booming voice coming from the tall man across from me.
"Evan, your grades are steadily decreasing so me and your mother have chosen to send you to a less elite school. We can't afford to spend all this money on your education if you aren't even gonna try."
Pfft. Take one look at your... "house", and you can tell THAT's a lie.
Also, Evan? I feel like I know that name. I don't remember knowing anyone named Evan... perhaps it's a name from one of the many otome games I've played?
Otome games...
Otome games...
Otome gam-
"Evan Desrosiers, this is serious."
Evan Desrosiers? The side villain from 'When the Roses Bloom?'
I know this is a dream and all, but why him?
His character was the overshadowed younger twin brother of the heroine, Evangeline, in this cheesy game I played. You were given the choice to change the name but it was recommended not to since it unlocked a hidden character route. I don't quite remember which one. But enough of that. Evan was known for being an average joe, you could say. He was always bullied for being a disappointment, compared to "litTle mIsS pErfEcT" Evangeline. I kind of related to him in that sense. But that's not important. Why did my brain decide it wanted to make me live his life? Why couldn't I have lived someone else's life. Someone who had it easy. But noOoOoOo I have to be stuck in a stupid dream where I'm living a stupid life with a stupidly similar lifestyle to mine. Wait. This is a dream. Which means I can control it. I tried thinking about cake or something, but it didn't work.
"Evan Desrosiers."
I suddenly heard someone shout.
Haha. Stupid guy. Whoever that is. Can't even respond to his own name.
Wait. That's me.
"Ehm," I nervously chuckled. "Yes?"
"Are you listening?" The tall man, whom I'm assuming is Earl Desrosiers, the in-game dad.
Pfft. Earl. Like the tea. What a stupid name.
Ah. I made the stupid mistake of chuckling. You might be asking, "whAts WrOng wiTh lAughIng."
I audibly snickered. Snickered? Snickers. I miss snickers bars. I'll eat a "few" when I wake up. (Of course I mean like 10.) Off topic. Back to what's at hand. My so-called-father seemed to hear me and I think he's a little mad. Just, just a little.
"EVAN. This is NOT a laughing matter. As I said, your school called and informed us all about your cheating and bribing! Would you be oh so kind as to explain?!"
Oh. Oh yeah. One thing that me and Evan did not have in common was that he was so desperate that he used dirty methods of trying to get acknowledged. He had tried to do something bad to get attention before but he was trying not to get caught this time.
I sat there quietly, as if my mouth was taped shut. Ah what the heck. Not like I'll have to deal with this later. It's a dream after all.

"Yeah yeah, whatever!" I snapped back. "And so I did, what are you gonna do about it? Also who the hell talks to their child that way? Aren't you supposed to be a so called," and I started to sign hand quotes. "gReaT fAtHeR?"

I sighed as if signaling that I was disappointed.
The entire table, including the previously mocking stares from beside me, fell quiet.
Suddenly, the even taller woman sitting next to the dude that Evan calls dad started talking.
"Who are you to speak to your father like that? It's almost like you have no respect at all. Servants! Grab this boy and bring him and his food to a private seating area to eat. He shall be grounded for the next two months."
I rolled my eyes. Respect is earned, not given. I decided it wasn't worth fighting over as the girl in the costume picked my plate up and signaled me to follow her.
Evan's twin sister looked a bit shocked but it slowly formed into a smile.

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1301 Words

A/N✎ Y'ALL- (even though there's probably no one reading this 🤠) I MADE IT TO THE THOUSANDS! God has blessed me with imagination today. I'm crying throwing up right now. 🤧✨ My cat came up to me t w i c e and then ran away after laying with me for a bit while I was typing this and she's so cute. She's a black cat and ssjidisixjsojdjdnd she's so adorable. But anyway I'm getting off topic. I'm so sorry that it seems short but also look at the cute fishy dolphin symbols! I love them. I'll name them Bob, Bob, and Betty. 😁 But uhm if you read this far thank you. Please let me know if there's anything I can improve on since I know I suck at writing. 🙃 And damn writing this is getting me 100 more words I should end it here- Buy guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

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