« Sneaking Into Town »

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A month later I realize IT'S NOT A DREAM! I somehow died (I guess?) and I took the place of this kid. I was this close to finally being happy. This close. But if course, god loves to screw mr over!

I made a mental plan of what I should do, and I'm thinking of escaping. But obviously, that won't be easy, seeing as despite absolutely hating this dude, they securely guard the premises outside his room. Not the hallways though, for some reason? I'm not too sure either, and I used to be obsessed with this game, so...that's saying a lot.

I decided on sneaking into the heroine's- err... my sister's (?) room to grab a few pieces of clothing. Why? I guess you'll find out. I sneaked around the hallways. As I turned the corner I saw 3 people walking around in the garden outside. I understand why Evan would feel left out. It's because he WAS left out. I paused for a second since it reminded me of my past life. I exhaled, continuing to walk to my destination.
I walked in, noticing how her room is so much bigger and closer to our parents room. 

You shouldn't pick favorites, and if you do you shouldn't make it obvious. These people are so obviously terrible parents, but I guess that didn't matter to the public seeing how bad Evan looked next to the other twin. I quickly found her closet and flipped through the outfits. Something that wouldn't seem too outstanding, and something she wouldn't notice missing. I grabbed a hood that reached my feet(It was all I could find, okay?!) and an formal-casual outfit set that looks like something well-off commoners would wear.

I heard something and quickly ran out, hiding behind a wall.
It's my so-called-parents.
I tried to listen in.
"The royal family sent us a letter regarding the engagement between Evangeline and the crown prince."

Oh yeah. The crown prince. He was the first capture target and was a major hit among a lot of the fan base, including the guys. I never got to do his route since it was too hard and I had a lot of school.

After they walked by I decided to walk back to my room. I fortunately remembered the
way (eventually) and I like to think I got back quick enough for no one to notice I was gone but I didn't and no one noticed I was gone so I don't think it matters all that much.
By the time I got back it looked dark outside so I sat down next to my window looking outside, since we both know I didn't have anything else to do.

That maid girl came in(I still don't know her name-), and came close to me, waiting. What...what does she need? After awhile she awkwardly asked when I wanted her to help me get dressed. I guess I've been going to sleep before she's come in before. She must've thought that was weird... whoops.
I said no thank you.
"Sorry...uhm, can you just leave? Please?"
She hesitated for a second until opening her mouth.

"Of course."
I found my way to the bath like I've done for the past 4 weeks and washed my hair. After I got out I changed, brushed my teeth, and got into bed. If I had to guess I'd say it took me around 3 minutes to go to sleep. I was tired, alright?

‧̍̊ ˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙ ‧̍̊ ˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙ ‧̍̊

I woke up. Naturally. I still don't get this body's sleep schedule...it's so... productive?! If I had to guess I'm naturally waking up at 5:00AM everyday. That's insane if you think about it. But anyway, I've decided I'm gonna sneak out today. OOoOooOoo hOw ExCitIng aNd uNeXpEcTed. I know, it's kind of in the title. But before that I should get ready and eat breakfast so that my family isn't suspicious.

Evan always got up early so he could eat breakfast before anyone else got there. But of course, the heroine being well, THE HEROINE, always seemed to catch him right before he left. I however will not be caught. I'm proud to say even if this dude is more attractive, I take less time to get ready.

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