to be lost on purpose :')

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Probably the fastest I've converted consecutively, eNjOyYy


There isn't much to do at the art museum during a weekday. Jisoo spends her time wandering from room to room, examining the art and sometimes answering the questions of an old woman or small child visiting with their mother. Sometimes she will spend time in the archive room, her fingers playing along the rough edges of the old pages; other times, she'll sit down at the statue-topped fountain and flip coins into the water. But most of the time, she's stuck on front desk duty, doodling on notepads and counting down the minutes until the end of her shift.

She'd thought that the art museum would be the job of her dreams. After all, she gained free admission to the special exhibits and free snacks at the little cafeteria. What more could she want?

Entertainment, she'd quickly learned. She spent much of her days bored half to death. That is, until she'd complained to her girlfriend about it. And then things got a lot more interesting.

"Excuse me, ma'am," asks a familiar voice, making Jisoo look up from the mandala she's doodling on the back of her hand. "Are there any tour guides available for a private tour?"

Jisoo grins , wide and relieved. "Thank God you're here, Jennie," she says. She puts the pen down, shoots up in her seat, sighs goofily. "I think I'm about to die."

Jennie rolls her eyes and leans on the front desk. "You say that every day, but I don't think you're a zombie yet," she says.

"Doesn't mean it won't happen," Jisoo says, squeezing her girlfriend's hand. "You are my savior, my angel, wow, thank you."

Jennie laughs, cocks an eyebrow. "We haven't even done anything yet," she says. "Now, private tours? Is that a thing?"

Jisoo jumps and pulls away, fumbling around her desk. "Uh, yeah, of course!" she chirps. She picks up the phone and pushes a few buttons. "Hey, can you come cover the front? I gotta tour group coming in. Thanks. I owe you one." Click. "Alright, let's go, before Rosé notices it's just you." She pushes her chair away from the desk and steps back around so she's next to her girlfriend. "Where should we go?"

"Where haven't we gone?" Jennie asks. She laces her fingers with Jisoo's. "There's gotta be some new exhibits."

Jisoo tilts her to the side. "Not until next month. Maybe you shouldn't come so much, so I have more secrets to show you."

Jennie laughs again. "It doesn't need to be a secret, Chu," she says, so gentle. "I'm grateful for any moments we can spend with each other, especially now." She sighs, looks away. "We've been just so busy lately."

Jisoo squeezes her hand in a desperate attempt to keep the tone from shifting too much. "No! It's fine, really. It's a good thing that we're so busy, anyway. Means soon we won't be. I think, at least." She's rambling, and she can feel it. "Let's, uh- Wanna go look at the flowers?"

"Of course," Jennie says. "Lead the way. And tell me, what's the story behind the paintings? I don't think I've heard that one before."

They walk, hand in hand, down the hallway towards the seasonal flower exhibit, the walls covered in pastel pinks and blues and greens and yellows for the coming springtime. It's one of Jennie's favorite exhibits, and for that reason, it's one of Jisoo's, too. Except it's also the exhibit they're at the most often, which means it doesn't take long for her to get bored, even with Jennie's occasional new observations.

They take a seat on one of the benches in the middle of the room. Jisoo leans her hand on Jennie's shoulder and just enjoys her company, just breathes. She could sit like this for hours.

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