Legal Stuff & So Forth

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The PAW Patrol theme and characters involved are properties of Nickelodian and Spinmaster Entertainment.

The PAW Patrol theme and characters involved are not owned by me - the writer.

This story is a work of fanfiction and not an official story written by any individuals involved in Nickelodian, Spinmaster Entertainment, or the Paw Patrol theme.

I know that nobody likes to read through all this stuff, but it has to be written so I (and other writers) don't get in trouble.

Fact is that you can just skip this part and start reading the story. However if you have read this far, there's no point in skipping this page because I have reached the end (lol).

There. Now all the legal and copywrite stuff is done. Now they can't sue me.

In the beginning of this story, the pups are playing medieval knights, so they use a lot of 'thee', 'thou', and 'thine's in their dialogue. The will also say many of the verbs ending with a 'eth', such as "Cometh over here.". So keep those notes in mind as you read the first part.

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