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"hello chat." the screen faded from the waiting animation to reveal wilbur sitting in front of his yellow and pink led sign.

wilbur allowed silence to sit for a moment while he attempted to read some of the chat messages zooming by.

he's alive
update us on lovejoy things

"yes, that's why i wanted to get on. to give you all some lovejoy updates. the ep is set to release may 8, and within a few days of that we will actually have a music video up to and i think you all will be very pleased. we filmed it a few weeks ago with a special guest."

wilbur had never been so excited about a new project as he was with this one.

"and it is quite a bit different than your city gave me asthma, but i think thats a good thing. and i'm already so blown away by all of your support. it truly means the world."

he sat with such a content smile as he shared in the excitement with everyone watching, but was brought out of this sweet and simple moment by a shout.


wilbur flinched as the voice came through his headphones.

"what do you want tommy? could you not tell i was enjoying a moment with my chat?" wilbur acted annoyed, but deep down he knew he could never be annoyed with the one that he loved like a brother.

"have you told chat yet?"

"told them what?" wilbur worried about what he could have possibly been speaking about.

"about your new fascination." tommy added emphasis to the last word and despite not being able to see him, wilbur could tell he was wriggling his eyebrows.


"calm down chat, he's just messing around. well kind of. but it doesn't matter." wilbur felt heat rush to his cheeks with embarrassment and just hoped the camera didn't pick it up.

"oh no, no, no. what wilbur won't tell you all is that he met a lady for approximately 2 minutes and has been obsessed with her. he won't shut up about this woman."


"chat, really its nothing. i just ran into a very beautiful woman in the store and thats the end of the story. no need to find her or to start assuming i have songs written about her or look for clues if i am in a relationship. thanks a lot tommy."

"anytime pal. well i think i am done here. goodbye!"

wilbur spent probably another hour after tommy left answering questions about this up and coming ep. he wrapped up the stream when he found himself getting tired and when chat was repeating the same questions he already answered.

once everything was ended he began contemplating what tommy said. he hadn't thought he talked much about his run in with george's sister, but hearing tommy say that made him think back and realize that he had brought up their 2 minute run in multiple times. he commented on how he had never seen someone so beautiful before and how his soul wanted to know more about this seemingly guarded person.

he wondered why she stayed in his mind. he knew so little about her, seeing as george was always been so private about his family matters.

all he knew was that her name was beatrice and she was a mother.

she was a mother to a three year old daughter and she probably had a world of parenting and responsibilities to worry about and carry on her shoulders while wilbur's only real concern at the moment involved wanting to know more about her.

he figured it was best to stop letting her occupy his mind. he could set aside their run in and begin to refocus his attention on all of the important things he had going on this moment with the band and streaming and such.

but that's not what he wanted to do.

george, i have a favor to ask of you.

the love club; wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now