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beatrice didn't want to wake up. she found herself being so much more comfortable than usual. she rolled to wrap up in the blankets covering her more and readjusted her head on the pillows. her head was pounding with a headache but she was so comfortable in bed. even the smell of pine and cinnamon calmed her.

until she realized thats not what her home smelled like.

beatrice instantly shot up and looked for her phone in panic. she located it across the room on top of a desk and she started trying her best to remember the previous night.

"oh, you're up. i was just coming to check on you."

beatrice looked up and saw a familiar man standing in the doorway. he was wearing pajama pants and a sweatshirt. shoot, beatrice thought. whats the guys name again?

"forgive my rudeness and i apologize if this is rather up front, but did we, ya know?" beatrice cringed as the words left her mouth.

"no, we did that do anything." he laughed at her wording. "i brought you back here after i found you leaving the pub and you didn't remember how to return home. i stayed on the couch so you were in here alone."

"oh, thank you. i'm sorry. thats rather embarrassing, isn't it?"

"i don't believe so. everyone has nights where you need someone's help, i'm just glad it could be me." beatrice nodded at his sentiment, not sure what to do from here.

"well," he continued. "may i take you home? i don't mind driving you."

"that would be nice. let me just use the restroom first."

"of course." he replied before exiting his room and closing the door.

she quickly ran over the the two youtube play buttons displayed on the wall, similar to the ones her brother had. she used the hundred thousand and one million subscriber awards to refresh her memory that his name is wilbur.

she went to the bathroom to rinse her face and tried to ignore the dark circles under her eyes. she was embarrassed.

she was a mom, responsible not just for herself but another human, and she was allowing herself to get blackout drunk. she was turning everything that her ex said she would be.

her thoughts were interrupted by a text from george.

when were you wanting to get j
today? i dont mind her hanging
out just so i can plan a few things

"hey- um, wilbur?" beatrice called as she met him in his living area.

"yeah?" he looked up from his phone from his position on the couch.

"would you maybe mind going by my brother's flat? i don't want him to have to watch journey much longer." beatrice asked shyly.

"of course. that's no problem."

wilbur led beatrice out to his car where he opened her door for her. once in the car, a comfortable silence sat. the only noise was wilbur quietly humming along to the already quiet song on the radio. beatrice felt like a burden asking so much of someone she didn't know.

"so," beatrice started, immediately earning an eyebrow raise so she knew wilbur was listening. "you make music? and i'm guessing you also stream and thats how my brother knows you?"

"i sure do. i've been streaming and making videos like your brother for a few years now. and i've made a few songs by myself but i recently made a band."

"can i hear something you've made?"

a soft grin spread onto wilbur's face. he grabbed his phone and handed it over to beatrice.

"search lovejoy. we just had an ep come out which is what george helped us make the music video for."

beatrice found the red cover that read "are you alright?" before clicking a song called taunt. she listened intently to the fast paced, fun song.

"that's you singing?"

"mhm." his fingers lightly tapped the steering wheel to the rhythm of the song.

beatrice was so confused as to why he was being so kind to her. their first interaction she was rude and a nonfriendly presence. he then made sure she was safe while she was out by herself and the furthest from being sober, gave her a safe place to sleep, and was now driving her to pick up her daughter and take them home.

"here we are." wilbur said as he put the vehicle in park.

"i really appreciate it. um, would you mind waiting here for a minute? its easier than explaining to george what happened."

"sure. i'll be here." wilbur's gentle disposition assured her as she found her way to george's flat door.

beatrice knocked, hoping she could pick up journey and they could hurry and get home without too much dialogue.

"mummy is here!" beatrice heard the muffled little voice squeal from behind the door. within moments the door was open.

"hey, thank you so much," beatrice said as she scooped her eager daughter into her arms. "i owe you."

"sure you do," george responded sarcastically "everything okay? did you get the time you needed?"

"i did. i don't mean to rush but i do have to get going. journey, can you tell uncle george thank you for watching you?"

"thank you uncle george."

george leaned in to kiss the top of the little girls head before handing over her bag and carseat and saying goodbye to the two girls.

beatrice sat journey on her hip and her carseat in hand as she left the flat complex and made her way back to wilbur's car that was still parked in the same spot. as soon as he saw them approaching he quickly got out of the car to assist in getting the carseat in place.

"wiwbur?" journey said confused.

"whats up, j? i'm gonna drive you and your mum home if that's alright with you."

journey instantly looked to her mother for approval, which she of course nodded yes.

"yes! mummy, wiwbur is gonna drive us!"

the drive to their home wasn't too long, but wilbur filled the ride with chatting up journey about her time at her uncle's house and all of the fun things they did. he was so understanding of the complexity of her three year old mind and entertained all of her thoughts that she cared to share.

this interaction brought beatrice peace knowing that journey was having such a fun and uplifting conversation.

"this is us on the left." beatrice pointed at the stoop that led to one of the townhomes all connected.

"let me help you get your things inside." wilbur assured.

he went to the backseat and journey instantly held her arms out for him to pick her up. he did so and also grabbed her carseat. he very naturally held her to his chest with just one arm.

"thank you again for bringing us home. that means the world and it was very kind of you." beatrice said authentically.

"of course. could i give you my number? in case you ever need anything?" he suggested from the doorway.

"um, sure. that would be nice." she handed over her phone and he quickly typed in his name and number.

"i'll see you around beatrice. bye journey!"

"bye!" the little girl yelled as she ran past the two adults.

"bye wil."

the love club; wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now