001: the hollow

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THE MEN RUSHED up the stairs at the sound of the scream, only to see birds swarming the house. Recklessly, they dove at the house, at the windows, causing their own deaths. They squawked in a way that nearly sounded like screaming all at once until the windows cracked and shattered and the black birds swarmed the room. They dove for their children and wives, forming a protective barrier as the birds attacked, razor sharp talons and beaks as sharp as knives cutting through any flesh that they could. Klaus moved towards Faith, but Bonnie grabbed his arm. Her entire body was trembling. She herself was near tears. "No, you can't touch her!", she warned.

Klaus looked from Bonnie back to their daughter. Klaus couldn't remember the last time he had loved someone as much as he loved Bonnie and Faith. Seeing either of them in pain was more than just disturbing. It hurt him. His daughter was sitting on the floor, dark veins spider webbing beneath her eyes as she leaned over to scream in pain. Hearing his daughter scream like someone was violently stabbing her felt like someone had grabbed what remained of his heart and squeezed it harshly. "What is this?", he asked, his voice low with his own terror. "What's happening?"

Faith's eyes turned pitch black as she screamed again, much louder than before. The power surged a few times before, one by one, every light bulb in the house shattered. Bonnie pointed shakily. "The Order- She did something to her. To the house. I don't- Davina and I can't use our magic." Klaus followed where she was pointing.

The same woman from before was standing in the distance outside. She moved to go, but, in his rage, Klaus reached her before she could perform a transportation spell. He grabbed her by the throat, slamming her against the wall of the house. He had really tried to be a better man, to be redeemed, but this wasn't a cause for nice Klaus. This required the Klaus Mikaelson that everyone feared. "You tell me what you've done or I will rip your heart out and feed it to the wolves."

"No need to get so hostile, Niklaus", Rose said dismissively. "You know you can't hurt me." Just like before, her face is cloaked in shadows, but he can see her thin lips curve into a mischievous smile. "Does your little witch know you like it rough?" Klaus growled, baring his fangs as he pressed her deeper into the wall. "Fine. I found a use for your little abomination after all. She will house the Hollow. It will use her and her power until there is nothing left, and then it will rid the world of the rest of you forever."

Klaus's grip on her throat tightens as his eyes darken. It's almost instinctive, that murderous rage that burns and bubbles beneath the surface. "Take it back."

"What's done is done. The moment her bones were disturbed, The Hollow's spirit was free. I couldn't undo that if I wanted to", Rose shrugged. "Go ahead and kill me, Niklaus. You and I both know that someone else will come. It will keep happening. And either way, your daughter is as good as dead."

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