002: entrapment

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"ARE YOU SURE this is going to work?", Rebekah asked in concern as she watched Vincent work. This entire situation was making the blonde nervous. In fact, she couldn't remember the last time she had been this nervous about anything. Her family had faced many dangerous creatures over the world, but nothing like this. Nothing that threatened their very way of living. She lifted a pale hand to grasp the necklace she always wore, her dark blue eyes distant.

"Not at all", Vincent said honestly. "But it's our best bet. If we can't draw Inadu out of Faith, the entire city is going up in flames." He stared at the ashes of the book, shaking his head. He had hoped this would be over by now. So many plans, so many failures... May God help them all if he failed again. "The book is gone. The only thing powerful enough to house the Hollow is all of you. If we can-"

"No!", Faith interrupted. "You can't separate my family because of me!" It felt cruel, like she was being punished for existing. If the choice was dying or losing her family, she would die a thousand times over. She hardly knew what death meant at the time. For a child, though, losing their family was a horrible thought. After all, their parents' words were the words of god to a child. To rip a child from their parents was a horrible sort of torture. It would leave a deep longing within them, a scar that never healed.

Klaus sighed, kneeling next to his daughter. She was kneeling on the floor, the manacles around her small wrists. They kept The Hollow at bay... for now. Faith didn't know how long it would last, but without Faith's magic, they were both prisoners. "I know it will hurt for us all to be separated, but this is the only way we can keep you safe, Faith. It's for your own good."

( a/n: once again i'm sorry for changing mikael's death to fit my plot. i'm sorry if y'all don't like it but i'm not undoing it. )

"Vincent said you just need to have a blood relative of me for this to work, a blood relative who is an Original, or at least a vampire who is related to me", Faith pointed out. "Grandpa is my relative, and an Original. If I can tap into the Hollow's magic, I can revive grandpa and the Hollow can go into him." Maybe it was the Hollow's whispered words or the dark thoughts that she brought, but Faith didn't see this as a bad idea at all. Mikael was already dead. It's not like anyone would care if he died a second time, or if they could never see him again. Besides, he was an awful person from what she'd heard her family whisper about him. He was a small price to pay if it meant keeping her family whole. If she were to become just like her father, she would have been strong enough to defeat the Hollow on her own. Or at least that's how she felt. But she had been doing magic since she was a baby. She was smarter than most kids her age. She could find a better way.

Klaus shook his head. You could see how tired he was, particularly around his eyes. They were usually somewhere between blue and grey, but that day they were dark, almost empty. His brown curls were disheveled, like he had run his hands through them many times. There were dark circles marring the pale skin around his eyes. Though he didn't care quite as much for his appearance as his brother did, it was rare to see Klaus Mikaelson look so low. "Faith, my darling, your grandfather is a murderous psychopath. There's no guarantee that he will cooperate with you, dead or alive. And tapping into the Hollow for any reason risks you. I can't allow that."

"Hold on now", Vincent said, holding up a hand. "She might be on to something. If we can put Faith and Mikael in a protection circle, she only has to hold out over Inadu for a few minutes. Freya and I would be right there with her the entire time. It's a long shot, but it just might work."

"It's a foolish and impossible plan thought up by a child who doesn't know better", Klaus snapped.

"Okay, well, the way I see it, we only have two options here. We do things my way and you never see your daughter again, or we try things her way and hope it works out in our favor", Vincent shrugged.

"There's a problem with this plan", Klaus dismissed. "It could take years to execute."

"And why is that?", Marcel asked, raising a brow. "What have you done with Mikael?"

"We had him desecrated", Klaus said, as if this was the most simple thing in the world. "And then we had his parts scattered all over the bloody continent, maybe even further. He's lost to us now. It could take years to find all of his parts."

"But you can", Faith pointed out. "I know you can. I believe in you."

Every part of Klaus screamed at him that this was a bad idea. "What would we do in the meantime?"

"We could put Faith to sleep-"

"Out of the question", Bonnie interrupted. "She deserves to grow up like normal. Every kid deserves that."

"Then we lock Inadu up so tight within Faith that she can't go anywhere and take Faith's magic until the time comes. She becomes a walking soul trapping spell", Vincent explained. "But, for the record, I do not condone sacrificing children or putting them through this kind of thing. If putting Faith in a temporary sleep isn't going to be an option, I vote we go back to the original plan."

"Mom always said my body, my choice", Faith pointed out.

Klaus looked accusingly towards Bonnie, who only shrugged. It wasn't like she was wrong to each her daughter that. And she couldn't exactly scold her daughter on her attempt at self sacrificing. It wasn't like she ever learned that lesson. "We try things Faith's way for now. Not that letting the five year old make decisions is a good idea", Klaus grumbled. "But at the first sign of trouble, we go back to Vincent's plan."

Ultimately, it was selfishness that ruled Klaus's decision. He would have done anything in the world for his daughter, even if that meant never seeing her again, but if there was a better way, he was willing to at least give it a chance first. Still, there was a terrible feeling deep in the pit of his stomach.

MARCH 9/10, 2024

POPPY SPEAKS !not tagging anyone and updating this at anungodly hour because it's pretty much justbackground information. i've decided toskip the rest of my story outline of doingmore chapters of the characters as kidsand move along, because it's not reallyrelevant to the story anyway and if it is,i can just do flashbacks throughout. ihope you all enjoyed the chapter.love ya, bye!

original author's note that was in this chapter: So, y'all, i have bad news. I did a lot of prewriting for this fic in my drafts. I log on today and BAM... all the upcoming chapters are gone. So, I have to start all over. And I'm kind of sad about it, I'm not gonna lie, because I don't even know what they said anymore, since I hadn't looked at them recently. I promise there will be an update ASAP.

edit: i never did get those chapters back y'all 😔 but it's okay, because i no longer need those chapters anyway, they didn't fit the new outline. i'm excited to take the story in a different direction!

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