4. Arthur x Reader

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The smoke was thick and acrid through the evening sky, the sun low on the horizon as the colours became vivid and ever more richer than before

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The smoke was thick and acrid through the evening sky, the sun low on the horizon as the colours became vivid and ever more richer than before. The fiery rays of the sun set the sky alight, and the black plumes of smoke set an ominous scene, like hell on Earth.

Arthur clicked at his horse, encouraging it along as he followed the smoke, as if it was a signal that must be follow, like someone was calling his name. Into the trees in the dark wilderness, he plodded slowly, weaving through the thicket and towards the fiery light that lit up the clearing at the other end. He stopped short of the tree line as he sat and watched the scene that played forth.

"[Y/N], do you deny that you are a witch? Do you deny that you perform witchcraft and curses on others?" A man asked in a fully white robe, his eyes peering over to you as two other men held you firmly by the arms.

"Define witchcraft," You replied, your brows raising slightly, and all the while, a hint of sarcasm on your tongue. It was the only thing you could do, knowing that this could only end badly, "Because if its hovering and flying around on a broomstick, then no,"

The cult leader, as Arthur had analysed, began to get tired of your sarcastic and nonchalant replies, "Quiet! You insolent girl... but, what more should I expect from a devil worshipper,"

Arthur's eyes narrowed to the stake that stood in the middle of the clearing, and it was all too clear what was about to happen.

"Tie her up!" The leader yelled, and the two men dragged your thrashing form over to the pile of branches leaning against a large stake, and there they tied your hands around the post.

"Get off me!" You yelled out, legs kicking out and arms pulling at the rope that bound them together, "This is 1899, this is NOT legal!"

"We have to take matters into our own hands against folk like you!" The leader yelled back, his eyes darkened and there was a strange and unsettling aura about him.

Arthur could see the fear suddenly drain all colour of your face as you realised that there was no way out of this. That this was your impending doom, all because some crazies didn't like a woman to be independent and do as she pleased. Arthur knew he had to do something, and quick.

The men lit fire torches, and walked over to the stake, there they looked at their leader, waiting for his signal.

"Miss [Y/N], we hear-by sentence you to death by burning, for your devilry work, your witchcraft work in which you ensnared and bewitched young girls into becoming your slaves and for enchanting and enslaving men to perform sexual acts on," He listed, and your eyes widened.

"I never did such things!" You cried, but they were fallen on death ears as the leader have the nod, and the fire was lowered to the pit of the stake. The fire caught, and it gradual grew in size. With panic rising within you, you screamed for help.

A shot rang out above the crackling of the fire, and you watched in disbelief as the cult members fell like a sack of potatoes to the hard cold floor. Not knowing where the shot came from, the others and the cult leader darted off into the woods, scattering in fear of becoming the next target.

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