5. Charles x Reader

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"Sooo... what's lumbago?" You asked, you brow cocking up ever so slightly to the Native American/African American man that stood towering above you. As soon as you asked, there was a short groan as his hand was brought up to pinch the bridge of his nose.

"That's Uncles excuse to slack off and be a good for nothing lazy piece of shit," Charles hissed, shaking his head when he heard you giggling at his anger, "Its apparently just back ache,"

"Back ache? Really? I think half of us here suffer back ache on the regular just from picking up after him," You replied, chuckling to yourself.

"Tell me about it,"

The two of you were on horseback, strolling leisurely through the village of Strawberry. It was a quaint woodland village, log cabins lining the small streets and forests surrounding the village in a cocoon, nestled safely within its boarders. It was late morning, the sun almost at its highest (and hottest) during the mid summer blaze. petals from the nearby cherry tree danced in the warm breeze like fairies, twirling and gliding along with the wind. It was a calming and beautifully peaceful morning. Your laughter filled Charles' ears as the two of you made your way through Strawberry and out of the village back home to camp. It was a long ride home, but Charles knew a few shortcuts through the forest, and so he guided the way.

"When do you think we'll get back home?" You asked Charles, he knew more than you when it came to navigation and tracking.

"I'd say probably midday tomorrow, especially if we set up camp before it gets dark," He said as he looked towards you past his shoulder, his hair falling freely down his back.

You had been with the gang for a few months now, gaining their trust and helping them with a few hunts and heists every now and again. They were a crazy bunch, you had to admit, but you learned to love some of the characters there. You loved Arthur, Sean, Javier and John. Hosea was like a father to you. You loved the girls. But Charles was the one who took proper care of you. He made you feel welcome and saw your right. Especially with how you came to join them. You were an outcast, tossed out by the only family you know, your Auntie and Uncle. But you were too rebellious for them, and they were sick and tired of looking after a child that wasn't their own, and caused more trouble then what it was worth. In the end, they sent you packing, and eventually you found the Van Der Linde gang in Annesburg. If it wasn't for them, you sure would have been struck down by the Murfree Brood gang, and you were relieved to say the least. You had seen the things those awful mangy bastards do to random folk.

Whilst you were deep in thought, your horse was suddenly spooked by a noise in the forests foliage. With a sudden whinny, the horse reared and began to bolt, and with the sudden jolt, you fell hard to the ground. The wind was knocked out of you instantly as you hit the ground, a groan surpassing your lips, and you failed to notice the sudden dark mass that came bounding towards you. You looked up only in the last moments before a large explosion echoed through the canopy, and the large mass fell to your feet. With a gasp, your eyes fell on the large brown monster of a bear that laid now lifeless at your feet.

"[Y/N]!" Charles yelled as he jumped down from his horse and crashed down to his knees by your side, "Christ, [Y/N], are you alright?"

Your breath was ragged, and your eyes wide as you tried to register how close to death you had just been. The shock clearly shaken you, enough so that you felt Charles suddenly pull you into his arms, "It's okay, he can't hurt you anymore,"

Taking in his pine scent began to slow your speeding heart rate, it was a scent that you had noted many times before, but now it was so close, it hugged your senses and allowed you to melt into it. Shoulders physically relaxing, Charles pulled away to look down at you, meeting your eyes. It was like a magnet had taken hold of you both, as soon as your eyes met, it pulled you in and your lips pressed firmly together. To say that both of your actions took you by surprise was a huge understatement, but as you pulled apart, there wasn't an ounce of regret. Apart from the very obvious blush that heated up your face.

"Well... I wasn't expecting that," He teased, his brows wiggling slightly towards you, which did nothing to douse the flustering.

"No, neither was I,"

The two of you giggled together for a moment.

"Come on, lets go try and get these horses back,"

With a nod, you took Charles' hand as he helped you to your feet, and together, you both began calling and whistling your horses back to you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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