Part 1 (re-edited)

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You and Susumu were heading back to the Shinsengumi headquarters after collecting some information on when the Choshu men would strike their next attack.

The walk back was awkward and slience filled the air until an idea struck you.

"Yamazaki-kun~" you hummed. A sly smile danced upon your lips

Susumu turned his attention towards you tilting his head in confusion,

"...Is there something wrong ____-san?"

"Well~ I know a great place where they sell top notch grilled dangos! Lets go there."

"But we have to report to Vice-commander Hijikata. We do not have time for such-" you dragged the hesitant Susumu along anyways.

Upon arrival, you and Susumu witness a young girl being confronted infront of the shop by burly man, clearly drunk,

"Bullshit! Whadaya mean I have to pay? You bitch. I am a samurai who have worked hard for this coutnry and I deserve gratitude."

He pushed the young girl to the ground delivering a punch to her face.
In the nick of time you ran infront of the whimpering girl shielding her from his attack.

"Can't you see she's running a business here? Its only right for you to pay. Scums like you don't deserve the honor of being called a samurai!

A true samurai would never lay his hands on an innocent!"

You jabbed your elbow against his chest, hard enough for him to stumble backwards and fall onto the back of a cart.

The man's eyes widen in fear, scrambling off his feet. He ran away muttering atrocities.

Susumu helped the young girl to her feet, she ran to you and bowed deeply.

"Thank you for saving me from that drunkard miss! I cannot offer much but I would like you to have to some of my dangos." the young girl offered.

You gave her a reassuring smile, accepting the gift.

(time skip)

Both of you sat under a wooden bridge by the riverbank, contemplating on how you two would face the wrath of your Vice-commander for being late to report in.

"Wasn't this the place where you and Ryunosuke-kun fought?

I remembered you came back with bruises all over your face and it was hilarious!"

You recalled, chuckling to yourself.

"I do not want to remember that unpleasant event. It was Ibuki-san who started the it in the first place."

Susumu said with a tinge of annoyance.

You laughed it off since you thought it was somewhat out of character for him to be annoyed.

Susumu raised an eyebrow in response wondering as to what he said to make you laugh.

He would never fully understand what goes on inside that head of yours.

"Oh my lord! I almost forgot about it!" you pulled one out from the paper bag and placed it near Susumu's mouth signaling to let you feed him.

"I am capable of feeding myself." He said as reddess dust his cheeks.

"Hehh~ well you're no fun. Just let me feed you this once?" you pleaded giving him the cutest puppy eyes you could pull.

He sighed, giving in.

"Delicious isn't it?" you chirped.

He nodded in response.

The both of you finished up the rest of the dangos and headed back to headquarters.

The trip back was just you humming random tunes much to Susumu's dismay.

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