This or That

84 10 16

~ Linus ~

Andrew and I have been texting for a couple of days now and he unexpectedly showed up this morning. I've told him everything that has happened and he hasn't been pervy as usual, but rather sympathetic and nice. We talked about many things, including how he has 3 siblings, which he says is the 'normal Hispanic family average', and the difficulties he has faced coming out as pan to his family. 

We sat on Ria's bed as he kept rambling on about his interests in traveling and exploring the unknown,

", yea, I think in the upcoming months, Iceland would be my next destination. Anyways, I know you've been feeling down lately, so I was wondering if you would like to grant me the wish to take you out to dinner tonight. What do you say? To celebrate the last night you sleep on a rock in this room." He said, slightly kicking the bed on the floor.

For the past week, I have not been able to get anything over 3 hours of sleep every night, at first I thought it was because of Jacob and I fighting but then I realized it might just be me not getting used to sleeping on an inflatable mattress. 

I don't think I'm mad at him anymore, I guess I'll take both Ria's advice and his own, I will try to move on and bury all my feelings down the deepest hole, and forget anything happened between us. 

"Uh, Linus?" 

"Oh, yea of course! I just have to get ready and changed before we leave. I can't go out like this." I said, looking down at the clothes I've been wearing for about 2 days now.

"Yea, that's fine. I will just go to the bathroom real quick. Give me a sec." He said as he headed towards the bathroom. About a minute later, I heard a slight knock coming from the door. 

When I open the door, I see Jacob nervously standing there, asking me if I had any time to talk. It was funny since I was meaning to talk to him later today about us too. As I was telling him we could do it later, I heard Andrew speak from behind me, wrapping his arm around me. 

Oh God, why do you put me in these situations.

I closed the door immediately after telling him I was planning to go out, I turned to look at Andrew, who held a smirk on his face while looking down at me.

"You didn't have to do that, you'll just make things more complicated," I said to him, grabbing my towel and heading towards the bathroom to shower,

"I did have to, making him jealous brings me joy. Besides, how else would he know I am interested in you?" He said, making my head turn to him,

"Uh, yeah, um, okay. I'll shower now" 

"Mind if I join?" He asked with a grin on his face,

"No, sit there or I'll call Ria," I said, before closing the door behind me. 

And I thought he changed.


After a long hot shower, I wrapped a towel around my waist and got out of the bathroom, heading towards Ria's closet, where I had some clothes. 

I couldn't help but feel Andrew's eyes follow me around as I walked around the room. I kept looking for something nice to wear for the dinner, but my options were limited to black hoodies or casual shirts. 

I wanted to look nice tonight, I guess I have to go get some from my room real quick, I hope Jacob isn't there. I left the room and lightly knocked on the room before going in. As I walked straight into the closet, I saw Jacob sitting on his bed staring at me from the corner of my eye. 

"I'm just here to grab some clothes," I said from the closet. I didn't want to be disrespectful and just come in and out without a word.

I went through my clothes and finally found a nice light blue button-down shirt with black jeans, I think this will do. As I turned around ready to leave, I felt Jacob's hand grab my shoulder,

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