Uptill the moon if you say

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It was an agonizingly long day at work. The papers had decided to get misplaced in the wrong files and my innocent co workers were supposed to know about it while i had been away for the conference. But ah, as i already exclaimed how innocent they are, the blame game wouldn't stop untill I was supposed to look like the bad guy, shut them up and make them sort it out for the rest of the day.

I wouldn't know what to do, i sat there at my desk, still piled with files that i personally had to analyse and arrange for the upcoming meetings. My eyes gazed at the heap blankly as my shoulders slouched on the chair for whatever comfort i could get. Half the lights had gone off and i wondered how wonderful of a sleep I'd get if they were completely turned off. But nuh-uh! My fate was a complete bitch!

"Yn, can we please continue tomorrow, Im exhausted!" Jill walked across my desk and thumped on one of the seats.

"No no, we should continue coz I'm having a blast here!"

She rolled her eyes and huffed, pressed her thighs and stood up.

"Well, I'm off" She left my vision and i didn't care to catch up her figure. I didnt even feel like moving my body, unsuccessfully managing to keep my eyes open.

I had a mountain of pages to go through but fortunately Yoongi called up, informing he was downstairs to pick me up. There, there comes my hero! Ah!

"Yoongi-ah! Please please please can you come upstairs?" I begged for life and to the love of my life.

"What you're afraid of the new reception lighting?"

"Ah....., well that too," I almost completely forgot about that stupid thing. The lighting scared the shit out of me, and i wouldn't dare to be fond of the view, atleast not when leaving at this hour. I need to remember to stop watching horror thrillers for my dear life.

"But you've got to rescue me! I can't pull my butt out of this chair!" I whined, my head falling back.

He chuckled and cut the line. Well, good for me, the least of my office romance from the bucket list was gonna be ticked off. Good work.

I straightened my back, sliding my leg over the other to seduce my husband with a sexy thigh. Maybe i should put on some lipstick, and that too a red one. I leaned ahead to look for it in my purse. I thought i might have one from the party other night.

The glass door knocked and out of pure fear the purse slipped out of my hand, scattering the stuff down. I quickly struggled it back inside and turned to him.

"Hey honey" Slowly grazing my bare thigh, our eyes connected and he leaned to the door with a brow up.

"Your butt looks perfectly fine to me," He chuckled and slowly started walking towards me.

"More than fine I might add."  I pulled my leg back as he leaned closer and closer until being completely pushed back to the chair.

His lips were a mere distance to mine, parted just as much as mine while i felt his breath mix with mine. Such a player!

"Shall we go?" He smirked pulling back and carrying me bridal style out of the building. All i could do was shut up and keep looking at him, at his face worn up yet extremely attractive under the moonlight.

"How long are you gonna carry me?" I could barely speak that, hardly even take out a sound.

"Uptill the moon if you say." My cheeks turned bright red, burning hot with flames of intimate feelings from my heart.

"Oh will you stop!?" I looked away as he sat me down the seat.

"But you're smiling," He smiled and ran to the other side of the car. He sat in, put the seatbelt and started the engine while i stared at him.

"And I'm so happy I'm making you." His smile reached his eyes and i leaned ahead to give a deep kiss that lasted for more than a couple of seconds.

"Im glad you can" 

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