Chapter 4: Knight of Camelot

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A Memory of the Past

Another cold morning swept across Camelot and yet again there was more downpour.

In the southern district of city, around the edge of the slums and near a river which ran through providing fresh water, lived a captain of the King Arthur's Army.

This was a young man around twenty years of age but perhaps as young as eightteen. How the young man got such a position was unknown to some, but maybe it was for his strong sense of duty or his developing strategical genius or something else his superiors saw. All of it may be hear-say in fact, but whatever it was--the King himself took notice of it, and clearly kept him in the position despite what some critics within the army had to say.

As the day was still starting, the sun creaked through the dusty and ruined windows of the young man's room casting some rays of light upon his face.

He stirred awake to the new day with a groan. His eyes glqncing onto the piles of paperwork on the nearby desk. They were reports that aee mandatory and tiresome, usually keeping most soldiers of higher rank awake at night. Detailed reports of patrols and small skirmishes which required intensive care as important reports which ones would be sent to Agravain, the King's personal adviser.

Agravain made it clear to the leadership of the army that the most important reports he read always went directly to the King after. And there would be no wasting time with meaningless things that the army could solve within their own power. The King was a busy individual so problems of differing scale needed to be either addressed by Agravain, the King, or the Army.

It took a bit for the young man to get going, but he eventually managed to get to washed up and dressed for the day. Already donning his standard armor for the army but clearer distinction of being a Captain of the Calvary, they were highly regarded as more of the elite knights in the army, usually riding along the Knights of the Round, and being better trained and adaptable than regulars.

With the last of his bearings, the captain made his way outside his humble abode. The sun risen a bit more but it was quite overcast. It illuminated the world in a gray hue, and it seem it probably would rain again soon. In the warmer seasons, stepping out usually provided the beautiful sight of the sun highlighting the nearby river, and the apparent emptiness which surrounded the young man's home. He did not have many neighbors as they were more spread out in the southern district.

The Southern district was Old Camelot, much of it had yet to be repaired after Uther's reign and the subsequent war of succession. Today, however, did not bring the usual emptiness of folk about the area, the captain was greeted by the sight of a male in silver armor adorned with a blue cape. This individual was young with dishwater blond hair and aqua colored eyes that were soft yet carried a stern gaze to them. He sat on the top of the wooden fence which surrounded the home. 

Before the captain could make any introductions, the individual spoke up, his voice carrying in the breeze, it was very polite and gentle, "Good morning," he looks down to the parchment in his hands, "(F/n)... (F-f/n)?" The man said in a sincere tone while second guessing his own pronunciation of the name on the paper. "What a curious name that is..." He whispered the name a few more times making to remember the name correctly.

(F/n) was the name of the captain, he was looking a little baffled by sudden appearance of a stranger adorned in the armor akin of a Camelot knight. His (e/c) hues scan around for a few moments seeing if there was any more knights about, but it was just this young man, "Pardon, we have never met before? Do I know you?" He asked. 

"I am afraid we have not met," the man replies offering smile while standing up, "I come here on official business from the King. You are requested for a meeting shortly and I am here to fetch you." The man explained.

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