The Prompts

30 1 50

1-"I GOT THIS!" He shouted. He, in fact, did not got this.

2-Techno's confusion as Tommy switches back and forth from wanting to destroy L'Manburg and not wanting to.

3-Wilbur's convinced he's manipulating Tommy. Tommy says otherwise.

4-Ranboo realizes why Tubbo doesn't like fireworks.

5-Ranboo goes to the End since he thinks it's the only way to not endanger people with enderwalk. Techno follows.

6-Tommy is told that Ranboo died.

7-Wilbur tries to visit Techno. He forgets how cold the tundra can be.

8-Tommy wants to give Techno a late gift for his birthday.

9-Tommy passes out in a field one night. Phil tries to tell him that that's not safe nor normal.

10-Tommy wants ice cream. Wilbur agrees. Techno is tired. Phil is weak.

11-Tommy realizes that he may deserve better than how people are treating him.

12-A letter shows up on Techno's door. Techno is overly anxious.

13-Tubbo babysits Shroud. Techno meets Shroud.

14-Tommy gets teleported to a room with a table, and tons of food. An automated voice tells him that whatever he takes a bite out of first will correspond to a super power he gets. You see, Tommy was having a shitty day. So, to fuck with fate, he takes a bite out of the table.

15-Techno realizes that shooting a child with fireworks maybe isn't the best response to peer pressure.

16-Techno has no idea how to turn off caps lock.

17-Dream chases Tommy after escaping prison. Tommy remembers he has an SOS on his comunicator.

18-Tommy wanders into a faerie ring, much to the horror of his older brother.

19-Technoblade is a renowned warrior, known to be able to take down entire kingdoms by himself. Wilbur tries to steal from him in his sleep, only to find a little blond boy curled up in blankets, fast asleep.

20-"Please don't die." "Too late."

21-Techno is the awkward older brother at his youngest brother's birthday party.

22-Tommy gets to control everyone's dreams for one night. No one gets to sleep. Not even George.

23-Phil makes Techno write a letter to Tommy saying he forgives him. Tommy's enraged.

24-Ranboo's memory loss becomes worse, and he slowly starts to forget more important things, and eventually people.

25-Techno watches as a brunnet man chases a blond tabby cat with a wallet.

26-Tubbo shows Tommy his nuke collection. Tommy gets flashbacks to Techno's big wither skulls reveal, but whatever.

27-Phil finds out that Wilbur's revived, but with fanon-typical elytrian instincts.

28-Tommy is made out of fire, but was exiled from his home world and to a world where water is everywhere, so he was pretty much sentenced to death. He needs to make a machine that's stupidly complicated to get back home, and meets friends along the way. Now the machine's done, but Tommy isn't sure if he wants to go.

29-"Why do I smell smoke?" "...Are microwaves supposed to set on fire?"

30-Tommy finds out bedrock has the ability to shapeshift the user, but he finds out in the worst way possible.

31-Tubbo can't tell if he just made a time machine or if all of the all-nighters he pulled were finally catching up to him.

That was 485 words by itself...

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