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Wilbur dies off camera cause he sucks in this one and doesn't deserve more screentime

15-Techno realizes that shooting a child with fireworks maybe isn't the best response to peer pressure.

Techno paused. What was he doing? He couldn't just shoot a sixteen-year-old with fireworks just because some drunk guy told him to in front of a crowd.

Techno lowered his crossbow, watching as the fear in Tubbo's face warped into a look of confusion.

"Technoblade?" Jschlatt asked, his voice coming out slightly echoed thanks to the microphone he was speaking into.

Techno ignored him, and switched his crossbow to a pickaxe. He went over to the right side of the concrete box, and in a moment, Tubbo stumbled out of the box, watching Schlatt warily.

Techno had been about to kill this kid. He might not have interacted with him too much, but still, that was no excuse to just go and kill him.

Techno heard a bow being drawn, and without thinking, pulled Tubbo back by the collar of his shirt, right before an arrow hit the spot where he'd just been.

Techno glared at the crowd, then shot his crossbow, hitting his target with ease.

Techno looked back at Tubbo, who was staring straight at him now. He needed to focus on getting him and the kid out of here.

Techno checked his inventory. He had brought a few enderpearls, though probably not enough. Great, no that was just great, those definitely wouldn't have been useful right now.

Techno paused as his hand hovered over another item.

He did have a Riptide trident...

And there was probably enough water around...

Techno pulled out the enderpearls first, and handed them to Tubbo, "Follow me." he said simply, then pulled out his trident.

Tubbo nodded, and Techno went over to one of the two waterfalls. He trusted that Tubbo could probably handle himself now, so Techno focused on just getting himself out of there.

Eventually, Techno stopped running as he reached the border of the forest, waiting for Tubbo to catch up.

The teen made it there only a few minutes after, and sighed in relief when he saw Techno.

Techno huffed, and if he smiled behind his mask, no one would know.

Just then, Wilbur burst through the trees, Tommy close behind him. Though, as soon as Tommy saw Tubbo, he rushed over, pulling his friend into a hug.

Wilbur, though, didn't seem to care about Tubbo, instead going directly to Techno, "What the fuck?!" he yelled, "You– Schlatt knows you're with us now!"

Techno shrugged, "At least Tubbo's okay."

"'At least Tubbo's okay' Tubbo's fine. He could've taken a firework or two to the face, he'd survive." Wilbur scoffed.

Techno stared at Wilbur for a second, "Are you... are you saying I should've listened to Schlatt?" he asked.

"Yes! At least then, we would've still had someone in Manburg!" Wilbur said.

"What about Fundy? He'd be happy to help if you ask him." Techno tried to reason.

Wilbur just scoffed again, crossing his arms, "Fundy can't get the information you or Tubbo can. He's not as important."

Techno raised an eyebrow, "I don't think I ever gave you any useful information? And didn't Fundy give you that spy's journal?"

"Doesn't matter." Wilbur said quickly, obviously not happy with the change of subject.

Techno looked back around to check Tommy and Tubbo. The two kids were still hugging each other tightly, as if someone was going to pull them away from each other any second. Actually, considering how Wilbur was acting right now, that might now be too far off.

And, speak of the devil, Wilbur started to talk, "Alright, enou–" but was cut off as Techno stepped in front of him, blocking his sight of the two, "Leave 'em alone Wilbur. Tubbo almost just died, let them have a minute."

Wilbur huffed, "I'm going to Pogtopia." he said, walking away back into the forest.

Techno turned around to see both Tubbo and Tommy staring at him.

"What?" Techno asked.

"...Thanks." Tommy muttered.

Techno shrugged, "Wilbur was being rude. You two okay?"

Tubbo nodded, "Thank– Thank you for not, y'know, executing me back there."

Techno shrugged, "I mean, you don't really have to thank me, I wasn't gonna just go and take one of your lives."

Both Tubbo and Tommy stared at him.

"What?" Techno asked, confused, "I– all I said was I wasn't gonna take one of your lives. Is that not normal?"

Tommy just stared at him, while Tubbo shook his head, "On this server, no."

"Huh. This place sucks." Techno said.

Both Tommy and Tubbo nodded.

"You know you guys can just... leave if you want to, right?" Techno asked, "Like, go and run away or something. I dunno."

Tommy chuckled, "Where'd we even go? It's not like we have the stuff to go too far."

"To the arctic or something? Most people don't like the cold, so they'll just leave you alone." Was Techno speaking from experience? Maybe. Then again, that was a different server, so he couldn't be too sure. 

Tubbo shrugged, "I mean, it's worth a try."

And maybe Techno helped them a bit to find a good place to set up a base.

And maybe Techno helped them build said base.

And maybe Techno didn't want to leave said base. Just because he worked hard on it, nothing else.

And maybe that led to Techno making more rooms in said base.

And maybe Techno found himself getting attached to the two teens that occupied said base with him.

And maybe when the two teens decided to leave Pogtopia for good, Techno was happy that they got away from it.

And maybe Techno ended up blowing up that country that was the bane of everyone's existance.

And maybe he kept the teens clueless on that last part.

But you couldn't prove any of it.

And until someone tried to prove it, Techno would stay in the arctic with these two chaotic kids, adopting pets, reading books, making sure the duo didn't die, and other normal, stress-relieving things like that.

And while Tommy and Tubbo got the childhood they deserved, because honestly, the kids had been thrown into Wilbur's mess way too early in their lives, Techno would be there. Maybe he was a bit emotionally constipated, and maybe he would rather stay inside, reading a book, than go explore the mysterious forest that was now growing around their home, and maybe he prefered cooking everything with potatoes, and maybe he could be a bit awkward in situations, but he'd be there. And that seemed to be enough.

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