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chapter 005


EDDIE MUNSON always felt like he was trash. He was the school drug dealer, he dressed in the same two pairs of pants every day, he lived in a rutty trailer with his uncle and he never seemed to fit in –although he usually never had an issue with that.

Eddie Munson never felt accepted, no one understood him, other than his few friends, and sometimes he wished the bullies at his school knew what he was actually like. He hated the fact that everyone thought they knew everything going on in his life. They didn't know jack shit, he sold drugs to help his uncle out with the bills, and he wore the same sort of outfits every day because he couldn't afford to have thirty pairs of khakis –even though he'd never wear them if given the privilege.

Eddie was okay with the way he was living, he just wished people would mind their own business. This was one of the reasons he was so eager to get out of Hawkins, if he had the right grades this year to pass, which he was really trying to do, he could give this shitty town the finger and leave as fast as he can, with his uncle of course.

Eddie has never had a girlfriend, most of the girls in Hawkins were into the pretty boys like Steve Harrington, and no one seemed to like him. It wasn't like he was interested in any of them in the first place though, most of them were all cardboard cutouts of one another, they were all the same person. He meant that in the best way possible though, it was just the fact that in a small town everyone wants to be like everyone else, they're too scared to be different. This excluded the few girls here and there that liked him, they had decent personalities and they didn't seem to care about his title as 'the freak' but they never wanted a relationship. All they wanted was a fuck, but he couldn't say he was any different since most of the time he tried to make sure things stayed strictly physical.

There was this one girl though, he noticed her, like definitely noticed her, noticing her as in searching the room for her whenever he knew she'd be there. He liked her, she seemed different, at least he hoped she was, but not in an annoying way. 

If that made any sense.

Stephanie Harrington was an effortless kind of beautiful, she doesn't even try to stand out but she always does. He sees how every guy checks her out despite the fact that she was basically unattainable --thanks to her brother's orders. Eddie also couldn't help but notice that she seems oblivious to all this male attention she receives, which was another thing he liked about her, sure she was beautiful and she probably knew it, but she never bragged or showed it off like how some other people do.

Initially, for most of the high school, he always thought she was stuck up —like her brother was, which is why she never seemed to have many friends. He soon came to realize, after last year, seeing how she stood up for him when a few of the football guys were being assholes, that she was nothing like he thought she was. His liking for the girl just seemed to increase more and more as he heard stories from Dustin Henderson about how she resembles a real-life angel, well a feisty angel is what the younger boy seemed to refer to her as.

Eddie was so glad that he ran into her tonight at the music store. When he saw her interaction with the clerk, he grinned so much that his face hurt. The man was usually grumpy, but when she came in, he was all smiling. Eddie thought it was so wholesome how he seemed to brighten up all for her, but who was he kidding, what sane person wouldn't get all bashful in her presence?

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