Set 11

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"he asked you out?" "yeah, it was weird" I said to Kevin as we walked into school "but you said yes?" he asked

"what else am I gonna do? wait for Hunter until he moves away and hate myself for giving him the best years of my life?" Kevin chuckled

"I really hope these aren't the best years of our lives" I nodded in agreement, I spotted clay off In the distance

"oh, there's Clay. I have a few questions about this weekend. ill see you later" I went to walk off but I pulled by my arm. no surprise it was Hunter

"ow! what do you want fuckwad?" I asked "practice tomorrow, 5:30" he said "ok" I said he stood there looking at me "anything else?" I asked "no" "ok"


I walked into the speech and sat in my normal seat. I saw Emily sit "hey, Emily" I said with a smile.

Kevin told me how they were together now so I wanted to make an effort to be her friend "hi" she said back

"I was wondering if you wanted to come shopping with me tomorrow. I have a date this weekend and I need a new outfit. you dont have to if you dont want to but I wanted to ask" I said

"um, sure. cool"she said. I took out my phone "here, put your number in so I can text you" she did "k, ill text you later" I turned forward.

I listened to speech after speech "and that is how you knit a sweater" everyone clapped

"very good, Andrea. did you hear how she enunciated and projected. could hear her all the way in the back, right" I shrugged

"and now, Hunter. wh-" a loud guitar strum made the teacher shriek "'Death closes all but something ere the end. some work of noble note may yet be done. not unbecoming men that strove with gods.' Tennysons Ulysses. you might know it from your English class. this speech is about metal"

Hunter slammed his foot on the table and began strumming harsh tunes again "metal is about what Ulysses was about. Striving with gods."

Hunter moved to the front of the class "striking out for unknown territory. the people that crossed the Bering Strait 12000 years ago?" he began playing again "metal. that Kon-Tiki guy" another riff

"metal. the people on the mayflower..." a quick riff "would've been metal if it weren't for all the Jesus crap. and Ulysses, what did he do? huh?"

Hunter pointed a random person but they didn't know "read Donte, hell tell you. Ulysses got together the baddest ass crew he could find, and then he sailed off beyond the pillars of Hercules, and then he was drowned, and pulled right down to hell"

my eyes followed Hunter carefully, he was hot when he talked information, Hunter riffed

"eighth circle. what-"
"-that? only the ninth circle. so, achieving your dreams with fellow badasses, going to hell if you have to... oh, that sound great. but if wasn't so easy for Ulysses. see, he had, um... he had Penelope"

when Hunter said that he looked right at Emily. Penelope? that that make Kevin Ulysses? what the hell is he up to? "Mrs Ulysses, keeping him down. 'stay home'" Hunter mocked Emily's accent,

Emily's chest was rising and falling quicker. she was getting angry "'be king. go to work everyday' he wasted decades of his life on that shit" I scoff as hunter started another riff

"Hunter" I called but he ignored him "Hunter" the teacher called him too but he didn't listen "Stop it" Emily said "but one day, Ulysses decided he was finish with his women-" "-Hunter" I tried to call to him again but he still ignored me

"it was inevitable. soon or later the metal rose up inside of him" "Hunter, stop it!" "and crush whatever stood in its path!" Emily let out a scream as her pencil broke I half.

it all happened so so quick but Emily was chasing hunter and trying to throw stuff at him "you, you fucking cunt! ill fucking- ill fucking kill you!" "not the guitar!"


as soon as Hunter walked out of Dean Swanson's office I shoved him "what the hell!" he exclaimed at me "What the hell is wrong with you!? why would you do that to Emily?" I asked crossing my arms

"I dont have to explain myself to you!" he shouted "that, that right there! that your problem. you can do the most cruel assignied shit and dont even explain yourself!" I shout at him

"I dont have to explian myself to no one, especially not you" "news flash, hunter! you're an asshole! when Kevin finds out what you did his girlfriend he's gonna drop you on your ass!" Hunter scoffed

"no he won't" "wanna bet? why do you push everyone away and keep Kevin in a little capsule? are you that scared he's gonna leave you?" "you dont know shit, Stevie!"

"I know you! a better than you know yourself, you are so scared of people leaving you, that is why you dont like it when new people come round because you might get attached and then they'll leave, that that's why you keep Kevin so close because of all people you dont want him to leave. if you keep this up you're going to drive away your best friend"

Hunter tries to walk away "keep walking from the truth, Hunter but It will find you eventually" he halted and turned "shut the the fuck up, Stevie"

"no, I am done being your door mat. you need a reality check Hunter, you're on your way to losing your only two friend in the world" I said, Hunter laughed

"what's so funny?" I asked "did you really think we were friends?" he took a step closer

"I hate you. this was an agreement, I have tolerated you for the sake of the deal. im not your friend and you're not mine" I grew quiet

"what? did you think if these few weeks we'd grow close and you'd stay in the band, we'd live next to each like our parents when we're older? im waiting for you to get the fuck out of my life"

a tear slid down my cheek. hunter blinked "Fuck You!" I said and pushed him as I walked away

I went back to speech for my bag and I saw Kevin waiting "Stevie? what wrongs" he saw me crying

"im fine. but Emily isn't. hunter was mocking her and saying you going to leave her through a Ulysses speech, she raged out and hit him in the head with something. she went home but hunter doesn't think he did anything wrong"

Kevins face twitched and stormed away

BROOKLYN BABY // Hunter Sylvester (Metal Lords)Where stories live. Discover now