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two hours, battle of the bands was in two hours. Kevin was calling me nonstop yesterday after I hung up on him. after I ultimately didn't answer he gave up.

me and uncle were watching a movie, Bad Boys. it was unammusing, then the landline rang "who the hell calls on a landline" my uncle sighed as he stood up to answer the phone

"hello. oh, hey man. yeah, she's home, ill grad her" my uncle came around with the landline phone in his hand

"its for you" my eyebrows furred, I took the phone from him and walked to the kitchen "hello?" "come outside, backyard" I furred my eyebrows.

"Kevin?" I questioned "backyard" the line went dead and I walked back to the living room "ill be right back" I walked through the foyer and to the back door.

I opened it and went out onto the grass, Kevin was standing there "Kevin, what's going on?" I asked "hear us out" he said "us?"

I heard footsteps behind me and turned, Hunter was coming around the side of my house "H-Hunter? what are you doing here?" I asked, he's supposed to be in safe passage

"hey" he said coming closer until he was standing right in front of me "Stevie... I can't even comprehend how to begin to apologize to you, about everything I have ever put you through. im so, so fucking sorry. I've been a complete Fuckwad, I have pushed you away, led you on, insulted you to the point where you insecure and lonely. and... I've lied. these past few weeks-... shit, Stevie they were the best weeks of my life. I have never been happier than when I was with you" Hunter grabbed my hand

"and I would love for you to come and be frontman for Skullfucker at the Battle of the Bands" I scoff, I almost believed for a second I almost thought he was actually sorry. I pulled my hand away

"how convenient, you apologize just in time for me to give and be front man and go back to being treated like shit tomorrow" I said crossing my arms

"no, that's-" "save it! god, here I was thinking 'maybe I knocked some sense into you'... I actually thought you were sorry. but you were just doing what you needed for your band to succeed" I exclaimed taking a step back

"Stevie-" "no, im not coming. I can't do this anymore, Hunter. I am exhausted! you dont care about how I've felt this whole time, and even now youre only pretending you care because you need a frontman" Hunter shook his head

"Stevie, please-" "there is nothing you could say that could make me change my mind" I said. Hunter hesitated to speak, he looked back at Kevin and Kevin nodded. he turned forward and sighed, he hesitated again

"I-..." I rolled my eyes and began to turn around, starting to walk away "I love you!" he shouted. I froze, at first I thought I hallucinated that but when I turned Hunter was staring instensly at me his eyes were soft and his hands were shaking

"no. no you dont" "you dont know how I feel" "you've made it very clear how you feel, you hate me" he flinched when I said that "I dont hate you" he took a step closer

"I have never hated you" another step "I love you and Im an idiot for not telling you sooner" he was right in front of me, his hand cupped me face so he could look into my eyes

"you're the first thing I think about when I wake up and you're the thing that invades my dreams at night. I ask you if youre hungry every morning and I worry when you tell me no. when you wear a pretty outfit I get mad because I can't just stare at how beautiful you look. and when you stand up for me to everyone I get so giddy I have to walk away. you drive me insane, but not in the way you think"

I shuddered. he can't- this can't. he tried to pull me closer, he tried to kiss me but I pulled away. too much, too fast "Stevie?" I shook my head no

"I-... I can't. you should leave- I have to go- I can't" I walked back into my house and slammed the door. I went to a window and waited for Kevin and hunter to leave

"wow" I jumped and turned. my uncle was standing there "dont tell me you heard all of that?" "and then some" I scoff and walked past him

"kid, can I pick your brain? you've spent the last couple of weeks- possibly years- completely and utterly in love with this guy and he finally says he loves you back and you send him away?" he asked

"its not that simple" I said "how so?" "he's been shit to me, apologizing isn't going to fix that" I said "the way I see it, he realized his falts, realized his feelings and is trying to make things right and you're not giving him a chance. you once told me that even if he wasn't interested in you theres nothing you wouldn't do to help him. Ill admit the idea of you and him made me sick to my stomach, but the way he looked at you when he told you he loved you? no one can fake that kind of passion" I scoffed

"first you tell me that I shouldnt like him and now youre shaming me for not going with him and riding into the sunset?" I asked

"all im saying is, you want to be in the band, he needs you. you can decide whether you hate him later, but you should go to the battle of the bands. if you dont you'll regret it"

my uncle walked away and I stood there in shock for a moment. he needs me. I dont know what I want from him at this point, but the thought him needing me and me not being there hurts more than cramps, and cramps are fucking brutal.

I can't go in there alone. I took out my phone "hello?" "Emily? its Stevie" "let me guess, Kevin and Hunter paid you a visit too?" "yeah. are you gonna play with them?"

"I dont know if I can, Hunters a massive dick" I laughed "he is. but they need us" "yeah, they do. they'll totally bomb without us" I smiled "ill be over in 10 we can get ready together" "bring makeup"

BROOKLYN BABY // Hunter Sylvester (Metal Lords)Where stories live. Discover now