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I hadn't talked to Hunter since our fight "hey, Stevie" uncle said as he sat for breakfast "I have a favor to ask" I said with a smile "ok" he said

"I have a date tomarrow-" "that's great!-" "im not finished. the date is wedding... I need a dress and heels" I said. my uncle smiled, he took out his wallet and tossed me his card

"the pin is 1234" I scoffed "why would you make your credit card pin 1234?" I asked "because no one in their right mind would think someone would make it that simple"

he raised his eyebrows with as smile "how did you graduate law school?" I asked, my uncle rolled his eyes "who's the guy?" he asked

"Clay Moss-" my uncle started laughing "what?" I asked "in all honesty, expected you to say Hunter" I flinched "oh, hit a soft spot did I?" he asked

"im not speaking to Hunter right now"I explained "I won't pry, seems like a raw topic" he put his hands up

"im gonna go shopping today with Kevins girlfriend, so ill be home late" "when the fuck did Kevin get a girlfriend?"


we walked into a a dress shop "what color do you think is suitable for the wedding?" I asked her

"anything but white should do" she said, I shrugged and walked over to light colors "Clay's parents would probably like pastels, they're rich" I said, Emily shrugged

"pastels are nice... but they dont seem like you" I nodded. she was right. you wouldn't catch me dead in pink after 6th grade.

mint green does look good on me though. I looked around the store and a dress caught my eye, I gasped and ran over to it.

it was a Burgundy red, with spaghetti straps and a v chest cut. it was bedazzled and had constellation patterns In the lace "this is beautiful" I said

"you'd look hot in that" Emily said with a smile "you think so?" "totally" I picked up the dress, it was in my price range."fuck it, truth to power. I like me in this so im gonna wear it" I said smiling

"not without matching shoes" Emily said "classy flats or heels?" I asked "depends on if you want to torture your feet or not" I sighed. a few hours in heel wouldn't hurt "heels it is"

once we left that dress shop we went to hot topic "why are we in here?" she asked "I wanna buy and outfit in case Skullfucker gets back together in time for battle of the bands. its probably not gonna happen but... a girl can dream. plus I think you'd look totally good emo and I wanna corrupt you" Emily chuckled "alright" we walked around,

"oh, I love this" Emily held up a dress, it was black and had a coset top attached "you'd look so good in that" I said "should I get it?" she asked "definitely"

I looked to a rack behind Emily and saw a skirt. it was a full black school girl skirt "I have the the perfect top to go with this" I said picking up. the top was was whit silk and lace.

it did wonders for my boobs. but I never had an occasion to wear it. it would've matched my microphone slip, the one Hunter got me

"what's wrong?" Emily asked. I looked at her and smiled "nothing. lets check you, yeah?"


I stood in front of my body length mirror, I looked ok. the dress flattered me. I wore some red lipstick and my hear was curled. I went downstairs

"uncle?" I called. I wanted to say goodbye before Clay picked me up "uncle?!" I called again.

no answer. I pulled out my phone and texted him. he replied instintally, he was at Hunters "shit" I went for the door, I walked next door and opened the door and my uncle and Mr Sylvester were sitting at the table

"Stevie! you look amazing!" Mr Sylvester exclaimed. my uncles eyes widened when he saw me "Jesus... why do you look like a girl?" I rolled my eyes

"I wanted to say goodbye, ill be home later" I said I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and my eyes darted to the noise "well, see ya!" I turned

"wait, where are you going all dolled up for? is there a dance or something?" Mr Sylvester asked "she has a date" my uncle said, I turn back around and Hunter is standing at the top of the stairs.

he was eyeing me with a confused look on his face "a date? with who?" he asked "you know Chris Moss? his son" my uncle said "no! that's amazing, the kid is gonna be loaded" I snicker

"yeah, I have to go. my rides gonna here soon" I said "ok, ok. have fun. and if that Clay kid tries any funny business aim for the groin!" I glanced at Hunter before I left outside


the wedding was fun, I met Clay's parents and they were lovely and really nice, just like Clay. I watched Mollycoddle perform and cheered on Kevin.

now we were left unattended with a lot of free ground. "you sounded great, Kev" I said as I was helping him load up his drum equipment

"yeah. the songs are just a little too simple for me" Kevin said "well, maybe, if you were thinking of staying in Mollycoddle you could ask Clay about harder songs" I suggest

"hey, Stevie" it was Clay. speak of the- angel? he's too nice to call a devil. I walked over to Clay "yeah?" I questioned "a bunch of us are going to hang out by the pool, you down?" he asked

"I dont have a suit" I said "neither do we" he said, I shrugged. why not "ok, sure" I said "cool, ill meet you over there" he said I nodded and walked away.

I stripped out of my drees my pulled my hair back before I got in the pool. Clay walked towards the pool only in his boxers. he dived in a swam over to me "hey there" he said with a smile

"hi" I said back. came close and trapped me between the wall and himself "you looked amazing today" he said "thank you" I said.

somethings not right here. maybe im just used to insults and small bickering from Hunter but Clay complementing me does nothing, no butterflies, no bubbles, no smiles. nothing

"is everything-" I cut him off with a kiss. I had to know, for sure. there was no spark, no buring sensation, no ache, no need to go further, nothing.

I pulled away, and that's when the guilt started "im sorry, I didn't ask for consent before hand. I just- I had to see. im sorry, Clay, I have to go" I started to climb out of the pool

"are you ok?" he asked "I wanted to be normal, but im not. and I cant be here. theres something I need to do" I said pulling on my dress

"ok, ill text you?" "no, dont text me. you should ask out Kendall. she's really nice, just like you" I said, I looked at him as I slipped on my shoes

"im sorry" I said before walking away. I dialed mu uncle "hey, Stevie" he said " I need you to pick me" I said "im on my way, im leaving the police station now"

"police station?" I questioned as I took my hair out of its ponytail "yeah... Hunter got arrested" I blinked a few times, hoping I misheard

"yeah. he kinda went to the venue of that wedding demanding to see you and Kevin, he was arrested for trespassing" I scoffed "im sorry... he did what?!"

"Ill explain more when I get there" "no-" he hung up. I dialed hunter "hey, Stevie, Hunter can't talk right now he's being processed" mr Sylvester said "let me talk to her!" I heard in the background

"no! youre on punish-" the phone hung up and I scoffed "hunt, that have you gotten yourself into?"

BROOKLYN BABY // Hunter Sylvester (Metal Lords)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora