Carmen x Ex-CIA Reader Headcanons

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(This is the first head canon I posted, wish me luck!)

- You were kicked out of the CIA for disrespecting authority. You missed your job. You focused on Fitness to fill up the space working in the CIA did.

- You begin to have financial problems, you needed a solution. A path to success. Which happened to be in the direction of crime life, enrolling in VILE.

- You passed your Interview and proceeded to join. You wanted your codename to be "Herr Wolf" which did pass. You loved your code name. 

- You were more experienced then your other operatives, you were described as "Agile as a fox, but strong as a bear." Which was true. But you were not brutal but soft. 

- You excelled your first caper, you were considered one of VILE's finest operatives. You were a master of infiltration and Apex Predator of Disguises, thanks to your CIA training courses. Caper after Caper you passed them. 

- During missions you tried avoiding having to harm people, the CIA gave you a brutal side which rarely was shown. The CIA gave you a hatred for communism and oppression.

- You knew how to speak Chinese, Russian and a bunch of different languages which was useful to VILE.

- You had a small amount of friends. But you were lonely for some time. Some time.

- You met Black Sheep a year before she left. You met when you saw her lonely. You introduced yourself, you wanted to cheer her up. You started ranting about random countries, which she found hilarious.

- You 2 became friends and occasionally came in contact. She found you hilarious and you did as well. 

- It was a very strong friendship, you began developing feelings for her but was good at hiding it. But one day that will live in Infamy, you discovered she managed to escape VILE Island. 

- You were distraught but happy for her at the same time. You wished her a good life. But at the same time you wondered, why would she leave VILE after all the things they did for her?

- You never fathomed Carmen would dedicate her life to taking down VILE. You thought "I am always in constant danger living amongst criminals." But you shuffled it off.

- You were sometimes carrying VILE... Because of Black Sheep. 

- You were astonished how much damage she could do. You were disappointed yet proud at the same time.

- You missed her very much.

- You haven't really seen her after she left, the capers you went on conveniently weren't intercepted.

- You are assigned to a caper which may be intercepted. Which may be the answer to all your questions.

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Part 2 will be underway.

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