Bad Boy (NSFW)

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Despite the fact that Superman had stressed to him that he wasn't being treated like a child, Luke couldn't help but feel like one.

"You're mad," Lydia said when she found him curled up in a little niche some distance away from the hangar.

"Frustrated," Luke sighed, hugging his knees to his chest.

"Which is mad-adjacent," Lydia said with a smile before sitting next to him. "Want to talk about it?"

Luke shrugged his shoulders. "I want to go back to when we were at the exhibition and tell myself to really enjoy it because everything's about to change."

"Or you could know...keep us from leaving so we'd avoid that car accident?" Lydia said with a forceful smile.

"That too. Or go back and demand my parents tell me the truth sooner. So that maybe I could actually be prepared for all of this. Because flying snd shooting magic light from my hands isn't really all that helpful."

"What about what you did in the dream?"

Luke shuddered at the reminder of the horrific visions he'd been forced to see. He still hadn't fully opened up about it and didn't particularly want to. "Yeah, but I think that's all because they gave me that anti-fear shot."

Lydia hugged him close to her. "Listen to me- you're not a weak bitch. You know it and so do I. The Justice League is going to kick that stupid cult's ass. And you're going to figure this witchy stuff out. And then you're going to be a superhero. Take that in, babe- you're going to be a superhero! Those fan-fictions you write and read are going to be your new reality."

Luke smiled despite everything. "I guess I need a name and a uniform."

Lydia rubbed her hands together. "I'm going to have to give the name some thought but I've always loved you in a warm color palette. And you have to have a cape. No arguments. They look so majestic and cool."

"Yeah, until I get sucked into a jet turbine."

"Babe, you could probably turn the jet turbine into cotton candy or something."

"The cotton candy spells haven't come to me yet," he laughed.

"You said you saw the past heirs and their powers, right?"

"Yeah, but it was like a really fast montage. My head hasn't caught up with all of it yet."

"When it does you're going to be so badass though."

Luke smiled brightly at his friend and reached to her hand.

"What is it?"

"I'm just really glad you're safe. And here with me."

Lydia looked at him for a few seconds, her eyes probing him. "That dream must have really shook you up."

Luke nodded. "Yeah. Count Marakov showed me you. Dying. It was going to break me. It almost did. But I guess the anti-fear serum started to kick in at the same time. It helped push the fear away enough for me to fight back."

Lydia squeezed his hand. "They're really trying to break you aren't they?"


"Well, they won't," she said in a forceful voice. "They don't know you like I do." She gave his hand another squeeze. "Plus Superman and Aquaman have totally been giving you mad attention. Just in case you didn't notice."

Luke scoffed. "No they haven't."

Lydia shook her head. "You're always way oblivious when a guy flirts with you."

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