Come and See

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"If they went to Tartarus then we need to go after them," Superman spoke in a firm voice as he stared at the empty panic room.

"How do we even get there?" Aquaman demanded. He paced back and forth, his anger quickly whipping up into a furious storm.

Wonder Woman stood still, her sword dripping with the monster's blood. "We must go to Taenarum."

"Where is that?" Flash asked.

"The Mani Peninsula," Batman gruffly said. "In Greece."

"It's where we'll find the entrance to the underworld," Wonder Woman continued.

"Then that's where we'll go," Superman decided before turning and walking away from the others.

"Agreed," Aquaman said.

"Wait a minute," Cyborg said as he lifted his hands in an attempt to calm the impulsivity. "Shouldn't we have some kind of a plan? I mean, walking into the gates of the literal underworld is kind of a bold move. Even for us."

"If Luke and the others are there, then we don't need to let him stay longer than they already have," Superman said.

"Kal-El is right," Wonder Woman agreed. "But we do need a plan of attack. Hades' realm is not like earth. There are powerful forces that even we are susceptible to."

"Magic," Batman muttered irritably.

Wonder Woman gave him a little smile and nodded. "Your favorite."

Superman folded his arms over his chest and leaned against the wall. "Alright- what do we need to know about this place?"

Wonder Woman stood before her teammates and smiled grimly. "At the time of death, a person's psyche leaves their physical form and travels to the underworld. There, they wait on the banks of the River Styx for Charon to ferry them across. From there, the souls of the dead are judged and placed according to the lives they lived. Most go to the Asphodel Meadows. Those who led virtuous lives go to Elysium- paradise."

"And the bad go to Tartarus," Flash inserted.

"What's it like there?" Cyborg asked.

Wonder Woman smiled grimly. "Imagine your darkest fears. Your deepest pain. That is what waits for those who are damned to Tartarus."

Superman noticed the note of fear on her face. For Wonder Woman to have any sort of concern was enough for him to grow more concerned for Luke. They had to act now.

Thought travel by jet wasn't ideal for those capable of flight or super speed, the importance of facing what lay ahead together couldn't be ignored. With Batman at the controls, the jet moved at top speed through the air, soon delivering them to Taenarum. Though the coastal region was a beautiful sight, no one could see anything but the cave entrance that Wonder Woman had identified as their destination.

Superman stood before the narrow entrance and fell into deep thought. Though he'd only met Luke not long ago, there had been an instant attraction. Knowing that he was only seventeen had tempered this, but he couldn't deny that there was potential there. He wanted to see it through.

Meanwhile, Aquaman found himself on the same train of thought. Though he wasn't about to involve himself with Luke at this point, seeing the vision and knowing that Luke was certainly attractive had encouraged him to remember the young man at a later and more appropriate time.

"When we enter, we stick together," Wonder Woman stressed to them. "The realm of Hades is vast and dark. And there are several dangers that wait for us."

"Is it too late to dip out?" Flash asked with a nervous laugh. The others stared at him and he shrugged. "Just a joke. Just a little...underworld humor."

Wonder Woman unsheathed her sword. "Let's go."

The cell that Kinoculus occupied loomed straight ahead but Luke could only see Violet. Pain latched onto him and squeezed so tight he felt like he couldn't breathe. Biological or not, she was his mother. Every step he took toward the cell was haunted by memories playing in his mind. His first steps into his mother's arms. Violet kissing him before he got onto the school bus for the first time. It felt strange for him to have spent so much time longing for freedom from his mother's protection. And now he just wanted her back to protect him again.

"Save your tears, child," Agony hissed. "Your destiny awaits. Be honored that you'll play host to a god."

Luke spun on her. "I don't give a fuck about that!"

The cell door's hinges creaked as the door swung open. Everyone looked straight ahead, watching as darkness filled the doorway. Luke felt a new sensation mingling with his sorrow- fear. The witches moved closer and Luke followed, his eyes fixed upon Jared and Lydia- both still held tightly in the witches' grasps.

When he crossed the threshold, he felt a chilling sensation- like the shower suddenly running ice cold. Leaves crunched underfoot and he felt uneven terrain beneath him. As he walked, the scent of earth flooded his nostrils. Stepping out from shadow, he found himself standing in a forest. All around him, tree branches swayed as a strong wind whipped through. The footpath they were on zigzagged through the trees. The angry cawing of birds sang out overhead.

"I don't like this," Lydia murmured fearfully.

The witches ignored her and pressed on. Following after them, Luke listened to his surroundings and heard only the whistling wind. The path became steeper, narrower. Soon it disappeared within a rocky crevice. Peering inside, Luke could see more forest through the gap and a thick fog rolling about. It obscured his view and his heart raced as he wondered what lay hidden beneath.

"At long last," a deep and haunting voice spoke from the gap. "The heir."

Agony and Fury smiled at one another; even Sorrow, herself, cracked a small and uncharacteristic grin.

Luke steeled himself, feigning bravery when all he wanted to do was run. He looked at Jared and Lydia and knew he couldn't. "Who are you?" He demanded when he turned back to the gap.

"Come and see, little witch," the voice beckoned.

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