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"Ah! I'm so hungry! Where is he?" Carson, an American student who was attending the college similarly to Haven, complained from her seat across from the said Canadian girl.

"SamSam is so slow!" Minnie, Haven's dorm mate, whined. Haven sighed as her empty stomach growled. The Australian boy the three girls had been waiting on walked through the door with bags of food in his hands.

"Come on! It's probably cold!" Carson scolded Sam as he placed the bags down on the table. "Tastes better when its hot. You should've gone to get it faster!"

"I know. What took you so long to pick it up from the front door?" Minnie asked. Sam glared at the two before slamming down one of the dishes causing it to lightly splash on Haven's arm. She quickly wiped it off on Sam's sleeve.

"Idiot! You spilled the soup! Damn it!" Carson berated.

"Why don't you get it yourself next time?" Sam raised his voice. "Either stop bossing me around or stop complaining!"

"The youngest should always be the one who runs errands. Thats how its always been." Carson said with an eye roll.

" 'The youngest?' Haven is younger than me, and you never make her do anything!" Sam yelled passionately.

"Yeah but Haven is like a little puppy who you just wanna do everything in your power to keep happy!" Minnie cooed, reaching over to squish Havens cheeks. Haven smirked up at Sam with an innocent look, knowing full and well how much they all love her.

"I hate how Koreans are obsessed with hierarchy!" Sam whined.

"You know what they say, 'When in Rome..'" Haven smiled at him, watching as he threw a mini tantrum.

"Exactly! So when you're in Korea, you do as the Korean do!" Minnie instructed before pointing her phone's camera at herself and the other 2 girls as all 3 of them posed. "Now lets eat!"

"This is an international dorm full of students from all over the world. No one cares about age. Even Koreans don't like those old-school practices! Everyone knows that. In fact, they hate them." Sam gritted as he sat down next to Haven.

"Hey, at least you have delivery apps now! Back in my day I had to go to the store." Carson began in her elderly tone making the other 3 roll their eyes and quietly sigh. Haven slammed her head on the table in annoyance. She had heard this same speech a thousand times in every circumstance imaginable from the American girl and it was finally starting to get to her. "Man, the world has gotten so convenient."

"She sounds like my grandpa." Haven grumbled.

"Where did she learn to talk like an old fart?" Sam mocked Carsons tone.

"Oh! Why does Hyunbin look so hot even in a North Korean uniform?" Minnie sighed in adoration. She was watching Crash Landing on You and couldn't get over the male lead. "I'm dying from slashing the weight because Comrade Ri Jeong Hyeok ordered us to!" She recited her favorite show.

"What was that?" Sam scoffed.

"It's North Korean! 'You son of a wench, stop with your falsehoods!'" She dramatically reenacted.

"What? You're talking to me?" Sam threatened.

"Yes! It means 'Drop the bull, asshole!' Understand now?" Minnie yelled.

"Just try to ignore her. She's binge-watching Crash Landing on You again." Haven said, lightly patting Sam's shoulder. Sewan, the dorms resident advisor, walked into the cafeteria, bending down next to a wall outlet and plugged in her phone.

"Hey Sewan!" Haven beamed recieving a wave back from the Korean girl.

"Have you eaten yet?" Carson asked.

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