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      In the commons, Haven, Hans, Terris, Minnie, and Sam were sitting at a table, eating lunch. Hyunmin happily strutted over to them, dancing the whole way.

"Stop that! You're creating dust!" Terris scolded.

"I like your sneakers, Hyunmin! Are they new?" Haven complemented with her usual big smile and rosey cheeks.

"Sneakers? How could you even imagine what these are?" Hyunmin smirked confidently, sitting in a beanbag chair near the table, modeling his shoes.

"Oh my gosh! Those are..." Sam stuttered, quickly bending down next to Hyunmin's feet. "These are...one of the 2017 sneakers made in 2017! From the legendary limited edition?"

"SamSam has a pretty good eye." Hyunmin pointed. "Naturally, this is the only pair in Korea."

"Where did you get them?" Sam begged.

"No questions. You'll get hurt." Hyunmin replied, leaning back confidently.

"No, that's a valid question. You have no money." Terris commented.

"That's right!" Minnie added. "Whenever we order food, you're like, 'Can I get a bite? I'm hungry!' Did you..." She trailed off.

"Did I...did I what? What do you take me for? What kind of friends are you?" Hyunmin pouted.

"It is suspicious." Hans began. "He suddenly shows up wearing something that expensive."

"And he won't say where he got them. It's so suspicious!" Minnie agreed. "Why can't you tell us?"

"Terris, Haven, would I really do that?" Hyunmin asked with a sigh.

"Guys, I don't think Hyunmin would steal." Haven frowned. Hyunmin sent her a meaningful smile and a wink to which Haven smiled toward the ground, bashfully.

"Yeah. If anything, he'd be robbed. He doesn't have the guts to rob." Terris agreed.

"I got it!" Sam laughed. "They're fake. Knockoffs."

"Knockoff? I'm disappointed in you." Hyunmin started. "The son of the chairman of Thug Tteokbokki that swept the world should definitely have a much better eye for these things."

"You're right. They don't look like knockoffs to me." Terris nodded. "Well anyway, congrats!"

"Hey everyone, isn't there a Korean tradition for when someone buys new shoes?" Hans asked with a sly smile.

"That's right! Initiation!" Sam shouted as he and the rest of the students, aside from Haven who didn't want to anger her newfound crush, quickly crowded around trying to get to his shoes.

"No stop it! That's not a good tradition guys!"

— — — — — ☆ — — — — —

The next morning, Haven was sat next to Carson in the kitchen while Minnie and Sewan rummaged through the refrigerator in search of Minnie's missing food she had put in it yesterday.

"Carson! Did you eat my food?" Minnie gritted, taking a seat across from Haven. "Look at that stain. You steal my yogurt and spill it on yourself?" Minnie reached over the table to get a closer look at Carson's shirt that had food splattered all over it.

"What are you talking about? This is curry from last week." Carson said, groggily. "Stop accusing people of things they didn't do. I have the worst hangover from last night so leave me alone."

"I was wondering where the strong alcohol smell was coming." Haven commented.

"Yeah, you reek." Sewan said as she sat next to Minnie. "What's that red stain right there?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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