chapter 17

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"We only met each other just the other day
But you already got me feeling some type of way"

Harry Styles

Her lips fine mine again in a harmful way. She collides our mouths together like it is life or death. Her hands tangle in my curls as mine wrap around her waist. Our mouths move along, actually exposing our feelings and emotions for each other.

The kiss is fast and messy. Our hands exploring each other like we're teenagers making out for the first time.

This wasn't planned at all. I was actually going to try and be nice to her when she got here, but she came a fucking hour late and only gave me sarcastic answers so I lost it.

It actually felt good to tell her everything, but at the same time I hated it, because the more her lips moved every time she replied the more I wanted to kiss them again.

And I don't know why my stupid brain though it was a good idea to kiss her out of the blue, but the conversation made me so angry that talking wasn't taking all my anger out. 

She's so infuriating. She just doesn't have any empathy or remorse for anything. I just don't get how someone can be like that.

I don't know where this kiss is going to lead us, but I know it means we both feel something for each other or she wouldn't literally be smacking her lips against mine.

My hands move to her ass, and then to the back of her thighs. She jumps and wraps her legs on my waist, her core rubbing with my crotch which makes a gasp leave from both of our mouths.

She teases my lips with her tongue until I let it access my mouth and the kiss becomes even more messy.

I don't realize I walked up the stairs and to my bedroom until I'm throwing her in my bed and climbing on top of her between her legs.

What's going on? Why are we not stopping this? Why do I feel like I can't stop it? What is she doing to me?

Her hands run down my chest until they meet the waist of my pants and she starts undoing my belt. I move my hips, creating friction between us while I leave her mouth to attack her neck.

She lets out a whimper as she moves her hands to my hair and leaves my belt undone as my hips keep moving. She pulls my hair hard enough to pull me away from her neck— where I was leaving a mark— and kisses me back again.

After a few seconds of kissing and grinding, she moves her hands away from my hair to start unbuttoning my pants.

I gain a bit of consciousness in what is actually happening and I stop her. "Wait," I look into her eyes. "Are you sure?" I say, because I know where she's going and while I don't have any problem—when I should be having one because if Ryan finds out I'm fired— I don't actually know if she really wants it.

"What?" She asks. "We're gonna fuck, not make love. It doesn't mean anything."

"I know—"

"Are you a virgin?" She asks, looking at me and actually thinking about stoping if I said I was.

I chuckle. "Baby, I'm not a virgin. Don't worry." I say to her. My lips kiss under her ear with more force, my teeth biting that porcelain skin with rage because I'm still pissed at her. I can't fucking catch a break with this girl.

"Then fucking show it." She replies, letting out a breath when my lips move against her skin creating a purple mark.

"Got quite a mouth on you, don't you Brooklyn? Someone should teach you what to do with it." My breath hits the arch of her neck, goosebumps appearing on her delicate skin.

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