Loud Silence

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Chapter 1: Loud Silence

Two weeks had passed since Kumandra reunited once again. Each land had been steadily rebuilding their villages and getting back to normal. Chief Benja had just sent a messenger to each village, inviting them all to a gathering hosted by Heart. Chief Benja was more than eager to begin living in total harmony with one another. Raya, on the other hand, was too distracted by something else. Someone, else.

Chief Benja: Take these letters to each Chief and inform them that they are invited to a gathering of the tribes.

Messenger: Yes, Chief Benja.

Chief Benja watches as the messenger leaves the palace. Raya crosses paths with the messenger as she makes her way toward her father.

Raya: Hey, where's he going in a hurry?

Chief Benja: Ah, my dewdrop. How are you this beautiful day?

Raya: I'm well. So, what's going on?

Chief Benja: I've sent an invitation out to all of the tribes, to gather here for a celebration.

Raya's eyes were suddenly wide. Surprised that her father would decide to host such an event, so soon. The palace itself is hardly put back together all the way. There were still quite large holes in some of the walls, and there are a couple of spots on the east side of the palace, that do not even have a roof still. Raya's eyes begin to stiffen and slightly squint at her father upon his response.

Raya: Why? The palace is still in ruins and I'm pretty sure it's bad manners to have giant holes in the ceiling when you're throwing a party.

Chief Benja smiles lightly and gives off a small sigh. He extends his arm and motions to her to walk with him.

Chief Benja: Dewdrop, if there was one thing my father wanted me to never forgot, it is to make sure you give yourself a chance to have fun.

Raya: But...there's so much work to be done still. Now is not the time for this.

Chief Benja: All of Kumandra has returned but we are all feeling the struggles of what happened six years ago. All of the tribes are rebuilding and working non stop. It is time we all took a break and what better way, than through a celebration in honor of all of Kumandra.

Chief Benja stopped and turned toward Raya, placed his hands on her shoulders and kissed her forehead.

Chief Benja: Six years is a long time to be alone, dewdrop. I'm sure it's going to take time to readjust but just know, you are safe now. The Druun are gone, Kumandra is whole, and it's all thanks to you and a very unusual group of friends. Take a moment for yourself, Raya.

Chief Benja smiles and continues on his walk, leaving Raya standing in the hall. Raya smiled at her father and watched him walk away. For a moment, she felt a defeating tug in her stomach. A sudden flash of the last time she saw her father, before he was turned to stone. Raya reached down into her pocket to retrieve something. The Sisu pendant she kicked on the ground that day, when they were all surrounded by the Druun. She had picked it up and tucked it away to keep it safe. She looks at it whenever she needs to remind herself that people CAN change.


I smiled and shook my head at my fathers unwavering, and unconditional, faith in the good of people. It was almost sad but it's not fair for me to be so negative. I may hold a slight grudge towards Namaari, still. You know, for the world breaking. But it's becoming complicated. If it wasn't for Namaari, the world wouldn't have been fixed and I wouldn't have my Ba back. I still think about the first day that we met. This shy girl with her head down, peering up every so often. It was exciting to be around her because she liked all of the same things I did. And her eyes. There was something about her eyes, I just couldn't stop looking at them. I was so sucked in by every word she was saying. I think that's why it hurt so much that she betrayed me...I really thought we were friends.

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