Time Will Tell

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Chapter 3: Time Will Tell

A week has passed since the girls thought their parents had a secret, they were keeping from them. Raya and Namaari had agreed to let it go, but Raya wasn't quite convinced. Chief Benja lied to them both to their faces about Chief Virana. Clearly, coming right out and asking them for the truth, was not going to work. Raya needed to find out more about this secret. Tonight, was the big night: the celebration Chief Benja invited all the lands to attend, in honor of Kumandra.

Raya had spent most of the morning trying to find the perfect thing to wear for the celebration. Nothing seemed to be good enough. Raya's floor is completely covered in various tops, bottoms, cloaks; nothing was working. One of the staff carrying a basket of fresh flowers was walking by Raya's bedroom. She could hear the commotion coming from Raya's room. She placed her basket of flowers on the ground and knocked on Raya's door.

Flower Staff: Princess Raya? Is everything okay?

Raya didn't know she was making that much noise and opens the door.

Raya: Yes, everything is fine. I'm just...having a hard time finding the right thing to wear for the celebration tonight.

Flower Staff: Oh, sweetheart, you shouldn't worry so much about that. I'm sure anything you choose, will be lovely.

Raya: I guess. What about this? Or this, do you think this would look okay? Or wait, this one. Yes, this is the one. No, wait--

The woman smiled at Raya and walked over to her. She extended her hand and invited her to sit on the edge of the bed with her.

Flower Staff: Raya, I've helped watch after you, since the day you were born. Your mother would look at you with such love in her eyes, we knew you were special. And you are. I understand you survived six years, alone. That's amazingly brave of you, and strong. And you, Princess Raya of Heart, you helped bring the world back. We are Kumandra again, thanks to you. After all of that, figuring out what to wear, should be the last thing to stop you.

Raya sat down on the edge of her bed and sighed. The woman walked over and sat down next to her. She smiled at Raya, brushing her hair out of her face and behind her ear. Raya looks at the woman with sad eyes.

Flower Staff: Princess Raya, you are stronger than you give yourself credit for, my dear. You needed to be. But you don't have to be anymore. You're safe now. Take a moment to breath and let this all sink in. Enjoy yourself, Princess.

Raya's face softened and she unclenched her grip on the edge of her bed and relaxed her shoulders. Raya knew the woman was right.

Raya: Thank you. I suppose I haven't relaxed yet.

Flower Staff: Wear whatever your heart desires.

Whatever my heart desires? What if what my heart desires someone?, Raya thought to herself.

The woman makes her way out of Raya's room and closes the door behind her. Raya continue to sit there on the edge of her bed, the woman's words swimming in her head. Raya stood and walked over to the window. She sat down on the windows ledge and gazed upon the villagers and everyone moving about, preparing for the celebration. After a long gaze, she got up from the window and put on something simple and thought nothing more of it. She left her room and set out to find her father.

Over in the kitchen, Chief Benja was helping to coordinate the meals, sides, and deserts for the evening. Raya walks in and greets her father.

Raya: Hey, there. How goes the preparations?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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