Chapter 1

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Flashback, y/n's pov:
I remember the last words my mother told me. I remember my childhood memories that would usually make someone smile. I remember the day I turned and I remember the look on my mother's face, but what I don't remember is the pain that followed the turning. My mother's face is the only thing that made an impact on me during that dreaded time. My people say that when you turn you forget everything you become this lifeless monster that only has one desire, to devour. So why do I remember, why is it that when I see a human someone that I can relate to, someone that, I used to be, I don't have the urge. My mother might tell me, if she were here to tell me that is, "remembering is a blessing." She would say that it gives me humanity. I think it's a curse. Every night I remember and I dream, and every day I don't. I go through the same nightmare, the same horrific event every day. At least until I found the camp.

I needed some time away from the city, well more like deserted nightmare. The City had a desert on one side to the east and a forest in the west. The forest was a better choice to get some fresh air, would have been cooked alive in the desert. So I walked, I walked the paths and the trails, along the river and the streams that branch out from. The camp was nestled in a ringlet of trees. I counted about 30 scouts all wearing ODM gear with green cloaks wrapped around their shoulders. There was a table set up in the center of the tents with maps and charts littered across it. Three people were bent over the table, they looked to be discussing plans. The tallest one, blonde hair which is slicked back and it seem to be a large amount of hair gel. Female, who talks louder than everyone else in the camp, had glasses that were strapped across her head and high ponytail. The shortest one had a cross between a bowl haircut and an undercut, his glare never left his face.

For some reason it entertained me to watch all these little scouts bustle about doing whatever they were assigned to do. Deciding to stay I climbed up on one of the branches on the tree and got comfortable. The tall blonde shouted some orders and a small group of 12 scouts left the camp in full gear. I turn my head to follow them and watch as they disappear into the trees. The sun shinned in my eyes catching my attention, sunset. I found very little beauty in the world anymore but this is one of the things that never changed, for that I am thankful. My attention was turned back to the camp, the soldiers were all heading into their tents. All but one, the short one with the face of stone.

I stayed on my branch, just watching. Part of me wanted to go down there talk to him. The other part remembers I'm no longer human. He is a scout, he is surrounded by scouts, and I am a monster. My thoughts swirl around my head as I just stare at the camp. The one with the face of stone sits on a log near the fire and opens a book. He stays in silence for two hours. I have gotten very good at counting the minutes and hours as time passes. My thoughts scatter as I notice his head starts to dip forward. He's falling asleep, so I can outlast a scout. I watch as his body slouches forward and the book falls off his lap. Very close to the fire, I don't even notice that I have gotten off the branch, onto the ground, and passed the outer line of tents. I pick up the book and look at the cover, it reads Eye Openers. I smile, one of the books I am familiar with. My attention is turned to the sleeping scout next to me. His face is more relaxed, less angry or bothered. I think about what to do, I could leave him here, I could take him to bed, or I can wake him up. The last one didn't seem like a really smart decision. I walked around looking in the tents as I passed them. Searching for an empty bunk. Careful not to make a sound so I don't wake any of them, I finally found one. No one else was in the tent so that was a relief,. Since picking him up might wake him I decide to take a pillow that was laying on the mattress. I placed the pillow on the log and gently guided his head down. A twig snaps to my right, I hear the soft chatter voices. The scouts that the tall blonde sent out must have come back. I make my leave into the tree line. The campfire still dances on trees at my back; it was warm, so warm.

Levi pov, still flashback:
Chattering voices wakes me up, I raise my head and look at the tree line. The scouts that Erwin sent out finally come back. They spot me and salute, then head to the tents to get some rest. Looking down beside me I notice my pillow. But I'm still by the fire and I'm pretty sure I didn't bring this out with me. My book, its gone, I look around to catch whoever was playing this stupid prank. I see pair of eyes glowing in the dark. I don't think it's Hange that did this. Standing up I walk to the eyes.

     "In case it wasn't clear before I'll say it again, all scouts are to be in their tents asleep at sunset." I state, rather annoyed. The eyes just chuckle. I arch my brow in annoyance and a little confusion.

    "Are you deaf, get to bed before I make you." I say stepping forward.

    "You Assume that because you're sheep follow your every bidding, the lion will bow at your will and pretend they are a sheep." The eyes whisper.

I stay silent, it caught me off guard. Staring at their eyes I try to think of who it could be. I finally reach out and grab where I guess their arm would be. Pulling it towards me the eyes coming to light from the fire. I immediately retract my hand, they're one of them. I'm talking to one of the turned.  They pull their arm back to their side and turn. I reach for my sword but by the time I've turned around to face them they are gone. Why didn't they attack, why didn't they try to eat me?


Thanks for reading this far, tell me what you guys think in the comments. If you have any questions I can explain things, I will probably do that in the next chapter. I'm not sure how long it will take me to write the next chapter but I'll try to make sure that it's out by Friday.
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