Chapter 2

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Present day Y/N POV:
I watch as birds fly through the pillars and collapsed walls of the old Building that once stood strong. I haven't slept, I never do. Why did I do that, why did I medal in a scout camp. Presumedly one of the higher ups none the less. I guess there's still a part of me that's young. A part that is still that child before all this happened. I stare at my reflection on the shattered glass window that I lean upon. My eyepatch that I wear over my right eye, there is blood. Tch, it expects me to be able to get rid of it. Movement catches my eye through the window down bellow. Turning my head towards the movement I watch as what's left of a human girl limps across the pavement. Disgusting, this disease shows no mercy. Even the dead are not immune to the death grip this virus holds on humanity. I sigh while jumping off the ledge of the window and onto a nocked over shelf. Walking along the street I think about him, his face when he realized that I was one of them. There was no anger, but Fear wasn't absent either. I Smile at the irony, I read of characters in anime that suffer this same irony. If I could I would probably laugh at this, it's hard not to smile. I was never one to find the city or any human structure for that matter beautiful; this city could have been beautiful.

I feel eyes on my back. I continue to walk, figuring it's one of the turned just staring. Then I hear a growl and a yelp, a human scrambles up behind the rubble of a building. She has brown hair and glasses, I saw her last night. I watch as she killed a turned. She stared down at it with a look that I couldn't explain. It had curiosity and a sort of hunger to it, hunger that if set free it would burn the world in an attempt to learn. The woman looked up and we made eye contact. She smiled and walked towards me, "I won't hurt you, I promise." She said. This was the thing you say to a helpless child. I glare at her from the statement that dared to leave her lips. "My name is Hange, I am a Captain of the scouts." She introduced herself to me, this woman is crazy. I turn and run the other direction because even if she says she means no harm I have a gut feeling she will harm me anyway. "Wait I just want to study you." the so called Hange shouts from behind me. Yep definitely psycho.


After my run in with Miss Psycho I thought it would be best to stay hidden. So now I sit in the curve of a window sill reading. It's well past 4 pm and I haven't seen Hange or any of the other scouts.
It does get rather empty here, being the only one who remembers how to be human, but Hange was just down right freaky.

Footsteps echo from the street in front of the library

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Footsteps echo from the street in front of the library. A heavy beating marching with the footsteps. One of the effects of being turned is that I can hear heartbeats. The turned have none, but a person does. Each human has a different heartbeat, a different rhythm. I guess that's why they say march to the beat of your own drum. The door hinges creak as the library door is pushed open. It's the same guy from last night. He stands at the door listening for a couple of seconds then walks in. I watch as he pokes around at the books on the shelves. He eventually picks up a book, scrunching up his nose at the amount of dust on it. I get up from my spot on the window and make my way down to the floor. He seems unaware of my existence as I make my way behind him. He stands there reading for a little while.

"I would recommend the books farther back, they are in better condition." I say peaking over his shoulder. He jumps, whirling around to look at me. It reminds me of a scared cat. He just stares at me wide eyed with the book closed in his hands.

"Of course most of those books are nonfiction if your into that kind of stuff." I state turning to look at the rows of shelves. "Did I break you or something, you talked to me just fine last night." I say looking back at him after getting no response.

"How did you sneak up on me?" He asked

"Why do you ask? Is it the first time someone has snuck up on you?"

"In a while, yes."

"Well I guess I should be honored that I am the first to scare you in a while." I retort. He still has that wide eyed look on his face.

"Look I get that it's kinda mind blowing having one of the turned acting like a human but could stop looking at me like that. You look as crazy as Hange."

"You've met Hange?" He finally stops staring.

I only chuckle in response. "Why are you in the library?"

"Someone took my book so I need something else to read." He states, looking rather annoyed.

"Oh yes, I forgot to give that back to you." I turn to retrieve the book from a table.

"Your the one who took it?" He asks narrowing his eyes.

"Well yes, but I am giving it back to you now. I didn't plan to take it." I hand him his book.

"Why did you then?" He takes the book while raising an eyebrow.

"Because the scouts came back, and they would kill me if they saw me."

He doesn't say anything more but still looks unsatisfied.

"What else is on you mind?" I ask.

"Why aren't you trying to attack me?"

"Why aren't you?"

"I asked first." He says crossing his arms.

I mimic his stance and look at him. He sighs and scans the room.

"You really should be going back to your group." I turn away from him and walk back to the window sill.

"Where do you stay?" He asked.

"Where ever I want."

He frowns then leaves the room. I listen to his footsteps retreat as the light from the sun fades. Another nightmare over with.

Is it possible? (Levi x Y/N) :)Where stories live. Discover now