Chapter 4

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Y/N POV location: Chavet Avenue

The scouts have been making a huge dent in the turned population as of late. I haven't been visited by Captain serious during that time. I suspect that he is part of their big success with 'population control'. While I don't need to eat as a turned I do prefer to keep up personal hygiene and other human practices for appearance. I get to say things like human practices cause I am not human anymore (yay🙄). The library doesn't contain the proper tools to complete these tasks so trips to places like grocery stores, malls, and houses are mandatory. I need new clothes and shoes so to the mall we go.

The mall looked a bit like this. (But with some of the ceiling on the floor)

 (But with some of the ceiling on the floor)

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Walking up the escalator I find Hot Topic. Searching through the racks of clothing I pause. The sound of a heart beat is getting increasingly louder. And its not the heartbeat of my nighttime companion Captain Serious. I look at the entrance of Hot Topic and lock eyes with a very scrawny looking blonde who has a very determined and fearful look on his face.

So the whole thing about looking forward to not continuing to survive like this, yeah I have standards for how I die and this does not fit into those standards. Before he can do anything I bolt for the door and race down the hall. The boy was bracing for impact as soon as he realized I was sprinting at him, giving me a small head start. Hiding behind one of the pillars I hear the scouts come in. I dash out from one pillar to the elevator shaft. Hange, Captain serious, and some others are looking around. One scout looks around the pillar, I jump down the elevator shaft to the first floor. Sprinting through the lobby of the building I see the scouts closing in both sides. Glass and Debris crack under our feet. Hange throws herself at me knocking me to the ground. We roll and I push her off of me. I burst out of the doors of the building and collide right into the tall blonde.

He stares down at me, almost taunting me to try something. I glare back at him as hands force me to my knees. Taking in my surroundings I notice the shorty staring at me. I break the moment to glare up at the man before me.

'He's close so that if I try to make a break for it he will be able to stop me. If I act like one of the turned then they'll just kill me without a second thought. Well I did want to end my stay in this hell hole. Maybe last requests are a thing they will allow for a turned.'

The blonde takes out his sword, raising it above his head.

"Would it be possible for a last request?" I ask, the street goes silent.

"Did you just talk?" The blonde asks?

"That doesn't answer my question, do I have a last request?"

He seems to consider this for a moment before another scout shouts, "No way, she's a turned their not human. Just kill it and move on." I glance over at who shouted that. He has a hair cut resembling Captain serious and a smug look on his face.

"You have a very punchable face." I reply.

He scowls and makes the motion to advance toward me but Captain serious stops him.

"What would your final request be?" The blonde asks.

I look up at him, "I would prefer not to die like this, something a lot quicker would be much appreciated."

He consider me for a moment then puts his sword away. "What do you ha-"

"WAIT, what if we studied her. This is the first one to talk to us and act human after all. Think of all the things we could learn. I have met this one before. She didn't even come close to trying to attack me so maybe she's friendly." A brunette with glasses argues.

I scowl, 'Hange'.

"I would prefer to die somewhere a lot quieter so that I don't have to feel a headache the whole time. Preferably by a gun shot to the head." I say looking back at the blonde.

He proceeds to look between me and Hange. "Maybe four eyes is correct. This thing has not displayed aggression to any of us. It could be useful in drawing out other turned and learning more about how to kill them." Captain serious adds.

'This bitch, I thought he was on my side. What the fuck dude.'

This seems to convince Erwin because he turns to the scouts holding me down and waves them off. I stand up and immediately turn to Captain serious. What the hell man I mouth in his direction. He only looks at me.

Erwin yells somethings to the scouts but I'm to busy throwing daggers at Captain Serious to listen.

"Do you have a name?" Erwin asks turning his attention back to me.

"Maybe, maybe not. Whats it to ya?" I say pointedly.

"Do you prefer to be called turned?" Captain serious sasses back.

"Levi" Erwin warns.

So thats his name, hmmm "I like Captain Serious better" I joke smirking at him.

He just glares back. Erwin clears his throat and motions for us to follow him.

I glance at Levi but he just follows Erwin. 'Don't think I am done with you yet Captain'.

"So..." Erwin starts.


"Y/n, how long have you been a turned?" Erwin asks.

"Thats a very personal question, its rude to ask a turned their age."

"Oi, brat answer the damn question. This isn't the time to mess around."

"Watch it 'Captain'. You may have a high rank in the scouts but that means nothing to me."

"Both of you quit it. Y/n we need to know how you became a turned and why you still act human." Erwin has one of those irk things on his temple.

"Oh yes but of course 'your highness'" I fake a bow, which in response Levi kicks me. "Watch it pretty boy." I growl at him.

"I turned when I was five and have acted human from the moment I turned. It never affected me mentally and I could always keep a clear head. I don't know how or why I am like this. From my knowledge my turning was just like any others. The end result was the difference."

"Hmm, would you mind if we study you?" Erwin asks.

"That means Hange right. Yeah fine. So I guess you will show me to my cage?" I sigh.

"What are you talking about?" Levi asks.

"Hehehe Commander here isn't stupid. There is no way he is going to let one of the turned just hang around camp, no matter how human they act." I say motioning toward Erwin.

"Do you intend to attack a soldier?" Erwin inquires.

"I find human blood and flesh repulsive. I don't find it appealing to just go around biting people. But we're talking about human lives. People with families and futures. You're not going to risk all of that just because one turned acts more human than the rest." I state, Levi's gaze widened a little.

"You surprise me, and yes you are correct. Follow me." Erwin turns to the west.

"I used to be human too. It may have been a long time ago but I still remember it. And don't think for a second that I will ever forget." I follow Erwin leaving Levi standing there. Glancing back, he looks deep in thought. So once again I caught Captain Serious off guard. This is going to be fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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