Creating Your Tribute

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Here are the steps to making your character. Note: you don't have to comment these. And I prefer you don't, because somebody might steal your idea.

1. Name (you may look at the previous chapters for help)

2. District

3. Weapon

4. Appearance

5. Personality

6. Special Features (optional)

7. Love/crush (optional)

8. Family (optional)

Maybe write those down so you don't forget. Also think of their eye color, for future purposes.

That is the simple list to making your tribute. Try to get down their exact personality: it will help you in later, while your into your story.

You can also make more than one of these lists if you want to know what your other main people in your story look and act like. This is also an important part in making your fan fic, too. It will help you understand what your character is more.


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