The Brand of Sacrifice

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Several minutes passed as Guts slowly walked away from the battlefield, despite being covered in wounds from his clash with the Bowel Hunter, he appeared no worse for wear.

As the Black Swordsman was walking along the trail, he heard voices coming from all around the forest, voices that sounded like supernatural whispers, mocking Guts for his struggles. As Guts also noticed that the cursed brand on his neck began to bleed, immediately understanding what this meant Guts did not hesitate to draw his sword.


But before Guts could do anything he heard a familiar voice, that of the girl Subaru talked to, as he turned around the Black Swordsman saw a carriage drawn by a strange, beautiful yet surprisingly mean-looking Pink-haired girl. And as the carriage pulled further ahead he saw the silver-haired half-elf inside with Subaru on the opposite end seeming to be dead asleep due to the exhaustion from the battle.

The half-elf looked Guts directly in the eyes and said to him "I just wanted to thank you for saving us from that monster."

Guts spoke in a rather cynical way "I only helped you due to something personal, I have towards their kind..."

The half-elf continued "Still, I saw how ferociously you fought against that... thing, and I think it would only be fair for us to help you in return. The least I could do is at least offer you a ride to the Margrave's Mansion and let you have some rest, we also have someone who could help heal you!"

The Black Swordsman thought to himself for a solid minute before finally sighing and replying... "Fine, but the second I'm fully healed I'm out of here..."

The half-elf seemed pleased with this response to the dismay of the Pink-haired driver as she let the Black Swordsman into the carriage. Once inside Subaru woke up instantly, noticing Guts' presence next to him,

"Heyyy Guts how's it going!"

In response Guts let out a huge sigh of annoyance, meanwhile, the half-elf simply smiled.

"Guts... that's a nice name."

Then Subaru gave a look of surprise as though he had forgotten something of life-changing importance

"OH YEAH, I totally forgot! Guts this is Emilia! Emilia Guts, though I'm pretty sure you two are at least somewhat acquainted while I was knocked out from exhaustion and... well... pain from this flesh wound in my leg."

This last part made Subaru seem like an idiot, prompting Emilia to give a little chuckle.

The Pink haired coach driver briefly stared at Subaru before speaking to Emilia "Lady Emilia, please excuse my rudeness. But why do we have to bring that Barasu idiot, Guts I can understand, but why him?"

"Well, Ram... while Guts did do more work against fighting that monster if it wasn't for Subaru... I don't think any of us would have survived."

The Pink haired girl known as Ram kept her seemingly permanent annoyed expression up as she simply nodded and looked forward as she continued driving... while throughout the first few minutes the drive seemed rather uneventful, a mysterious mist came in and slowly began obscuring the road. If that wasn't strange enough, the horses pulling the coach suddenly stopped listening to Ram's orders, forcing them to come to a halt.

Finally, as soon as these strange things began happening Guts once again felt the brand on his neck bleed, making him wince. This did not go unnoticed as Subaru noticed the strange bleeding brand

"Guts, that mark thing on your neck is bleeding,"

Suddenly Emilia had a look of immense fear on her face... "The spirits, these ones aren't normal, so much malice and hunger!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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