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"Did you miss me Alaric?"

Hope stood in the entryway staring at the man in front of the fireplace. Her attention wasn't on the man for long, a tall brunette walked over to his side. Then a blonde came from the opposite direction to stand by the man's side. "This does not mean that we're on good terms Alaric." Hope stared intently at him, and he nodded. "Why do you need help from the original family? I thought you had a boundary spell to protect the school." Alaric looked at his daughters then back to Hope. "We do, but it only keeps out supernaturals." Hope looked at the twins, and it hit her. A cloaking spell, she and the twins could cloak the students. "I need you to get everyone down here quickly."

"Repeat after me. Nullum visa laris." Josie grabbed Hope's hand and Lizzie grabbed her shoulder, both of them siphoning. "Nullum visa laris, Nullum visa laris." The two girls let go, but Hope stared at Josie as she walked over to her dad. "If the hunters manage to get in the school they won't see you, but they will be able to hear you. Rebekah, Marcel, and I are going to find and kill some hunters." Josie looks at the originals before her, and speaks up. "You can't just kill them. You could drain them of vervain, then compel them to forget." Hope looked the girl up and down, then headed to the door with the two vampires following. "Alright so don't kill them."

"I might be your aunt, but I definitely noticed you and that girl. Tell me about her." Rebekah gave a quick smile at Hope as they walked through the woods. "Her name is Josette Saltzman, I met her when she took the hollows magic out of my father. When I went back home to New Orleans we sent notes and letters to each other. I stopped talking to her two years ago." The two stopped in their tracks after hearing a twig snap. Three men with crossbows shot at them, one of the sharp stakes hit Hope's leg.


The three hunters neck's were snapped in a split second. Hope took the stake out from her leg and waited for her werewolf healing to kick in. It wasn't long before she was healed and on her feet. Hope was hit with a wave of rage, her eyes a bright yellow. Before they knew it hunters surrounded the two. "Dissulta!" All the hunters surrounding them exploded from the inside. "I missed all the fun..." Marcel said, while walking to the women.

"You weren't supposed to kill them!" Alaric yelled as Hope walked in the school. Her clothes were covered in blood, and she had blood on her face. "Listen I'm not one of you students, you can't tell me what to do! Don't forget you asked me to help, and I did!" The three Mikaelsons walked out the doors of the school.

Always or Never - HosieWhere stories live. Discover now