The Vanishing of Will Byers

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The faint sound of the television could be heard from my bedroom. My father probably had a beer and a cigarette, the typical night time scene at our house. I was lying on my bed doing my homework when a sound came from my window. I slowly crept over and peered outside. In the dark I could see nothing and the more I looked the more my mind played tricks on me. I was seeing a creature a few feet away and I quickly closed my curtains. Just my mind. I took a deep breath and returned to my homework. Not even five minutes later the phone rings scaring the shit out of me. I lean over and answer.


"Hey! I got an idea. Can you get out of the house right now?" the voice on the other end belonged to my best friend of four years, Colby Evans who lived right next to the Wheeler's.

"Depends on your idea" I reply trying to be quiet. As much as my father, doesn't really care what I do, he does have a strict rule about curfews. Maybe it's because he's the sheriff of Hawkins, but it's not like anything exciting ever happens here.

"Just a lovely car ride with my best friend in the world" I could hear the smile on his face.

"What if I say no?"

"That's too bad cause I'm about to leave the house"

I rolled my eyes "Of course you are, alright I'll get ready, see you soon."

"Bye Gracie" he hung up and I grabbed a coat from my closet. I opened my door and headed to the living room. I saw my father and he didn't even glance my way.

"I'm going to bed now. Uhhhh goodnight" I waited for a response and I got a mumble that sounded like goodnight. I retreated back to my room and went out my window. I had to walk a bit because even though I've known Colby for a while my father still doesn't trust him. So to avoid being caught Colby parks away from the trailer. He pulled up just as I made it to our usual spot and I hopped in. During our drive we had conversations like we always do making each other laugh or teasing each other. Colby was a great friend to have.

"I swear Steve has been distancing himself from me. Always with his girlfriend, what's her name? Hangs with that redhead with glasses" he glanced over at me.

"Nancy Wheeler" I said while sighing "you literally live beside her"

"Oh right, I don't know what Steve sees in her, I don't think he's even hooked up with her yet. He's wrapped around her finger" He took another quick glance at me. "I'm sorry, next subject"

Colby is the only one who knows about my crush on Steve. I've known Steve for the same amount of time I've known Colby. We all used to hang out together, like our own little trio until Steve met Tommy and Carol and ditched me for them. Colby stuck with me even though he was also friends with them. Steve Harrington had my heart and I wanted it back after all these years.

"Did you do the homework? Cause I need the answers"

"Yeah I'll give them to you tomorrow. You're still picking me up before school, right?" I asked him.

"Yeah of cou-"

"LOOK OUT!" he swerved the car out of the way as a creature came out of the woods. It stopped and looked at us before sprinting across the road. It looked exactly like the one I imagined outside my window.

"Jesus christ Gracie!" he said as he slammed harder on the break.

"Please tell me you saw that" I looked over at him.

"Obviously I fucking saw that, what the hell was that?" a panicked look was all over his face.

"I have no idea" my breathing was heavy and I could hear my heartbeats in my ears. "But I do know that I would like to go back to the safety of my home"

"Yep on it" he stepped on the gas and took me back home this time he drove closer to the trailer. We said our goodbyes and I got back into my room, took off my clothes and hid under my covers forcefully shutting my eyes.
When I woke up the next day I was thankful. Whatever happened last night was going to be put into the past. I got dressed and brushed my teeth and hair before going to the kitchen. I poured myself my favourite cereal, Lucky Charms and sat down on the couch. My father was probably still sleeping. I heard a car horn and rushed outside grabbing my bag along the way. Might not be sleeping anymore I thought. I hopped in and Colby drove away before I even shut the car door.

Once Colby parked the car we walked into school and I saw Nancy and Barb talking at the lockers. I start walking over to them as Colby said he'd see me in class later. I guess he didn't like them but I think they're really nice and cool to be around.

"Hey guys! What's going on?"

"Oh my god Gracie, Nancy has been casually making out with Steve" Barb replied. I instantly regretted asking. But if I needed to get over him this surely could help.

"Oh" was all that left my mouth. Nancy was blushing. She then pulled out a note from her locker. It was from... you guessed it, Steve.

"Awwww Steve and Nancy, so cute" Barb teased. Nancy stuffed her books in her bags and started heading towards the bathroom.

"Nancy are we going to study for the chem test tonight?" I called after her.

"Yeah, come around 8, ok?" she called back. I gave her a thumbs up.

After going through my classes I met up with Colby so he could drive me home. After he left I finished up my homework and made a sandwich. At around 6 I got a call from Nancy saying she couldn't make it to study. Apparently her mother won't let her which I don't believe. Probably has to do with Steve. I spent the rest of my evening watching TV and eating whatever I could find in the fridge. My eyes were about to shut when the door opened and movement entered the room. I looked and saw my father with a distressed look on his face.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"You know Joyce Byers?" he asked sitting down beside me on the couch.

"Yeah, why?" I answered.

"Her son Will, he's missing"

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