Holly, Jolly

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The morning after my dad drove me in to school. I had a slight headache but nothing some Advil couldn't manage. When the bell rang after my first class I gathered all my stuff and headed out the room. Outside the door was Colby.

"Hey Gracie" he said quietly. When I didn't answer him he continued. "I went to pick you up this morning, but you weren't there. Did you get a ride from your dad?"

I nodded my head and starting walking to my next class but he grabbed my arm so I couldn't leave.

"Gracie, please don't ignore me. I'm sorry for being an ass last night. I wasn't thinking straight, you know cause of the alcohol. So please don't be mad at me."

I sighed. "Yeah you were being an ass. Actually kind of a dick to be honest."

"I know and I'm really sorry."

"Ok... I got to get to class." I turned and walked in the other direction.

"Do you forgive me!" he called from behind.

Turning around once more and walking backwards I called back; "Yes, Colby!".  From where I was standing it looked like he let out the breath he was holding.

At lunch we were all sitting at a table when a worried Nancy arrived.

"When you left, did you see Barb?" she asked us. They all gave her quizzical looks. "Barbara. She's not here today."

"Who are you talking about? Cause I have no idea" Colby said from beside me and I kicked him under the table. "Ow, sorry" he said smirking.

"Don't be an ass dude." Steve said then directed his attention to Tommy and Carol. "Did you two uhhh see her leave last night?"

"No, she was gone when we left. Probably couldn't stand listening to all that moaning." Tommy chuckled. Carol starting moaning really loud making Nancy's face go red.

"Cut it out." I told Carol glaring at her. She stopped and rolled her eyes.

"She's probably just, like, skipping or something."

"Yeah, probably." Nancy murmured looking anxious.

Once school let out we hung around Colby's car to wait for the game. A friend of Carol's was telling us about a guy named Jonathan and his weird "art" he likes to do. To makes things more weird he passed by the car head down, hands in his pockets.

"Yo, what's up man" Colby called getting his attention.

"Nicole here was, uh, telling us about your work" Steve added.

"We've heard great things" Carol said and everyone nodded.

"And I think we'd like to take a look, you know as... connoisseurs of art" Colby smirked and grabbed his bag.

"hey, give me my bag" Jonathan went to reach for it but failed.

"Man, he is totally trembling. You must really have something to hide, don't you" Colby began rummaging through the bag.

"Colby, why don't you leave him alone" I told him quietly. He ignored me, pulled out what looked like a bunch of photos and gave me mean glare.

"You should see these guys, especially you Steve. Looks like he was saving this one for later" He handed Steve a photo. It contained a picture of a window with Nancy taking off her shirt.

"This isn't creepy at all." Tommy said sarcastically.

"I was looking for my brother." Jonathan replied and I felt bad but then again it was a little weird, I didn't really know what to think.

"No, this is called stalking." Steve told him just as Nancy joined the group saying:

"What's going on?"

"Here's the starring lady" Colby called out obnoxiously. She looked confused.

"This creep was spying on us last night" Steve said looking from her to Jonathan. "See, you can tell that he knows it was wrong, but man, that's the thing about perverts. It's hardwired into 'em You know, they just can't help themselves." Everyone laughed.

"So I guess we have to take away his little toy" Colby took the camera as Jonathan started at him. Steve intervened pushing him back. "Steve it's alright. Here." Colby held out the camera and dropped it before Jonathan could retrieve it.

"Colby, you asshole. That's messed up" I gave him a little shove.

"Oh, piss off Gracie. He's a creep and he deserves it"

"Doesn't mean you can just go destroying personal property" I replied angrily. In response he took one of the photos and ripped it in half in front of my face.

"Ok, let's go guys. The game's about to start" Steve called to try to fizzle out the tension and everyone started walking towards the school. I stayed back and so did Nancy as we helped him pick up the mess one of my best friends made. I offered a small smile which wasn't returned but it didn't matter. Nancy was looking at a part of a photo curiously and started gathering more.

"Hey Gracie! Nance!" Steve yelled from afar. Nancy and I slowly got up and walked over.

We sat in a pretty empty hallway a couple minutes before the game. Tommy and Carol were on the bench, Nancy, Steve and Colby were sitting against the lockers and I was standing against them.

"So, I told Mr. Mundy the solution of ten plus Y equals blow me" Carol said making Tommy laugh.

"Bull, if you did that, you'd be in detention right now" Steve replied.

"Saturday" was all she said.

"I bet Mr. Mundy's still a virgin" Tommy stated.

"Oh, he's so a virgin!" Carol laughed.

"Maybe you should blow him, Carol. Help your grades a bit." Tommy chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

They continued talking and I had felt a tug on my hand. I looked down at Colby who was pulling me to sit. I shook my head but he persisted and I sat down.

"Why so sad?" he asked putting his arm around me. I ignored him. "Hey, I'm talking to you" he shook my shoulders.

"What do you want Colby?"

"Woah chill, what's got your panties in a twist?" he smiled and I just had to smile back. It's contagious. I rolled my eyes playfully.

"You. That's what. For being a dickhead, again."

He looked straight into my eyes, studying my face then he answered. "I'm sorry but he deserved it. What he did could get him in jail."

"Yeah, I know but I think you went to far with the camera, that's all" he shrugged.

"You still upset with me Gracie?" he asked.

A beat passed before I answered. "No, no. I couldn't stay mad at you forever anyways" I rested my head on his shoulder and we sat like that until Nancy abruptly stood up and started walking away.

"Woah, Nance, where are you going?" Steve asked standing up.

"I totally forgot. I told my mom I would, um, would do something with her" she replied stammering.

"What? But the game's about to start"

"I'm sorry" she said and then hurried out the door.

"What the hell's wrong with her?" Steve asked hands on his hips.

"Maybe she freaked out when you two went all psycho on the psycho" Tommy answered.

"Oh, give me a break." he let out a deep breath.

"What'd you expect, dating Miss Perfect?" Carol said and rolled her eyes.

"Well let's go. I would like to go to the game." Colby stood up and we all followed after him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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