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This is a ninja sasufemnaru au
This is my au and in this au team taka was helping sasuke redeem himself.
"Soooo sasuke do you an "important someone"?"
Asked karin
"He obviously doesn't he's too cold"
Said Suigetsu.
They Kept arguing back and forth
"I do"
Said sasuke.
Everyone looked at him with
They all said at the same time.
They all said again.
"Her name is Naruko"
Sasuke said with a slight blush on his cheeks.
"What is she like😏"
Asked Suigetsu
Sasuke said trailing off with a smile on his face just thinking about her
"Come on!!"
They all said.
"She has bright blonde hair and has wiskers on her cheeks and has the most beautiful personality ever"
Sasuke said blushing and looking away from his group.
"He's so inlove~"
Suigetsu said.
"Well your not wrong"
Sasuke said still looking forward.
"Are you guys dating..?"
Karin asked.
Sasuke responed.
"So are you excited too see her again since we are going to konha?"
Jugo said
"I can't wait"
Sasuke said with a smile visible on his face.
When they arrived in Konaha
They were flooded with people asking how the trip to redeem sasuke was.
They all quickly got passed them when sasuke was hugged tight.
"Sasuke-Kun your back!!"
Said a pink haired girl.
"Well hello to you Sakura"
Sasuke said patting her on the head.
(Btw Sakura doesn't like sasuke there just friends)
"Where's Naruko?"
Sasuke asked when Sakura let go of him.
"Oh uh shes with hinata"
"Ok thank you"
Sasuke said walking past Sakura with team taka following him.
"I can't wait too see your girlfriend!"
Jugo said
They all kept following sasuke when they all heard a loud scream.
"What was that!"
They said
Sasuke just smiled.
"That's her"
Sasuke said speed walking through the village.
After a few minutes there was A blob of blonde hair poking out of the crowd.
Sasuke started walking faster almost running.
"Sasuke slow down!"
Karin said.
When sasuke finally slowed down,
They all looked in front them and saw a women with long blonde hair going passed her knees.
Sasuke tapped on her shoulder and she turned around.
Everyone was memories by her beauty.
The blonde asked in disbelief.
The raven nodded and opened his arms with a smile on his face  waiting for her.
She put her hands over her mouth.
The blonde said with tears threatening to come down.
Sasuke nodded and the blonde girl just ran into his arms crying saying his name over and over again.
Sasuke just smiled with a single tear cone down on his face.
They were hugging until a cough interrupted them.
"We're still here you know"
Sasukes team said.
"So is this the girl you've been talking about?"
Karin asked with a smirk on her face.
"You've been talking about me sasuke?"
The blonde asked with a sly smile on her face.
Sasuke just looked away in embarrassment.
Sasuke said with redden cheeks.
They all laughed.
"We'll I'm Naruko"
The blonde now know as Naruko said while putting her hand out.
They all shook hands and introduce each other.
While they were talking Naruko clung onto sasukes arm.
Sasuke looked down and kissed her on the forehead.
"There inlove~"
Suigetsu said.
"Your right for once"
Sasuke said holding Naruko closer.
They were all silent for a hot minute.
"How about you two go and catch up,
While me and my other friends look around?"
Karin asked breaking the silence.
They all agreed and went their separate ways.
"Their definitely gonna fuck"
Suigetsu said earning a smack across the head.

612 words

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